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METRORail University Line


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Thanks for checking, the frames threw me off I guess. False alarm people.

No problem, at a glance this morning I would have taken them to be rail as well but they are the steel expansion joints for the new Richmond main lanes.

BTW, as I drove east on Richmond through Afton Oaks, I noticed all the yard signs lamenting rail down Richmond as a "Big Government" land grab. I still contend rail will never go through Afton Oaks and these people never cease to be the silly little wanna be's they never will be. So much energy spent on something that will never happen.

Heres a link to a HPRA audio via http://www.bloghouston.net/ that will give an alternate vision of the U-Line.

We gotta stay "fair and balanced" guys.


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Why would anyone want Metro barreling through their neighborhood? The only reason we're having this discussion is because Metro pulled a fast one (what's new?) using some vague language that allowed them the 'option' of running their crappy trains through a residential neighborhood.

Houston's light rail system is a piece of crap. It (like Houston) is a fustercluck which makes no sense.

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The only reason we're having this discussion is because Metro pulled a fast one (what's new?) using some vague language that allowed them the 'option' of running their crappy trains through a residential neighborhood.

Houston's light rail system is a piece of crap. It (like Houston) is a fustercluck which makes no sense.

METRO had to use vague language that allowed them multiple options...would you prefer that they set one route in stone, without any study of the alternatives? THAT would be the fustercluck.

And how does the current light rail system make no sense? It's a single route going north and south through the densest part of Houston. Pretty easy to understand from my point of view.

Personally, I think the Universities route should be determined based on the best alternative to come out of the Preliminary Engineering Studies that are ongoing right now. If they indicate that the route go through Afton Oaks for the good of ALL of Houston, then so be it.

You ask, "why would anyone want Metro barrelling through their neighborhood?" I, for one, would love it. A few years ago I was hopeful that the Southeast line would come down Scott Street through my neighborhood. I'd love the option to hop on the rail line instead of jumping in my car to get downtown, or to UH, or to the Montrose, or Midtown. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like it'll be coming this way...last I heard, the most likely route will take the SE line down Wheeler to MLK...through MacGregor Park, instead of hitting the highly trafficked intersection of Scott and OST. :angry2:

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And how does the current light rail system make no sense? It's a single route going north and south through the densest part of Houston. Pretty easy to understand from my point of view.

I thought the densest part of Houston was on the southwest side?

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Why would anyone want Metro barreling through their neighborhood? The only reason we're having this discussion is because Metro pulled a fast one (what's new?) using some vague language that allowed them the 'option' of running their crappy trains through a residential neighborhood.

Houston's light rail system is a piece of crap. It (like Houston) is a fustercluck which makes no sense.

Did you remember to ask the people that USED to live where 290 cuts through if they wanted to allow you to have a nice freeway to go home on? Did mom in Afton Oaks ask them if they would mind if she could have a freeway replace their neighborhood so that she could visit a child who would like to live in Cypress because they can get home easier by way of their people's sacrifices??

I'm sorry, but I have no sympathy for the Afton Oaks people. They are same ones who were so proud of the Katy Freeway project. Giving Culberson thumbs up on replacing middle-class neighborhoods with feeder roads. I'm sure the remaining residents of Spring Valley are just thrilled to allow someone from Afton Oaks to get to Katy Mills much easier than ever before.

I'm actually so irritated with them, that I hope the studies show that Richmond is not worth it. But then again, we'll have to hear the crocodile tears once the city comes in to widen the whole length of Richmond.

Or what's likely even more imminent, when the County comes in to build their 2200-foot long Richmond overpass over the UP tracks. Yeah. With or without METRO.

Edited by GovernorAggie
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Why would anyone think rail would go through Afton Oaks?

Is it because of Whitmire's mono rail plan from the 80's?

Is that why some of the residents cling to seemingly built-in suspicions?

Is it because there is no ridership there? There's not.

I don't know what METRO will do but I feel confident rail won't go through Afton Oaks. Hopefully they will go where the ridership is and bypass AO. Those AO folks really need to get over themselves.


BTW, welcome to first time poster msfootball.

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Some of you here are complete freaks about Metro rail. Disturbing how some of you react with glee to the idea of government disrespecting private property and how Metro's plans affect people (even going through the trouble of setting up a new account as 'msfootball' just to be a troll).

More reason not to support Metro and their idiotic urban rail plans. Run a line down I-10, there's a swell idea! Run a line down 290, it's about time. Run a line down I-45, brilliant! Run a line down 59, genius!!!...but running lines down busy thoroughfares, bisecting neighborhoods and risking more collisions...shitty idea.

Edited by mrfootball
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Some of you here are complete freaks about Metro rail. Disturbing how some of you react with glee to the idea of government disrespecting private property and how Metro's plans affect people (even going through the trouble of setting up a new account as 'msfootball' just to be a troll).

More reason not to support Metro and their idiotic urban rail plans. Run a line down I-10, there's a swell idea! Run a line down 290, it's about time. Run a line down I-45, brilliant! Run a line down 59, genius!!!...but running lines down busy thoroughfares, bisecting neighborhoods and risking more collisions...shitty idea.

As opposed to your thoughtful and logical conclusion that public transit should only go where your mother doesn't mind. :huh:

Pardon me if I am skeptical of your beliefs as to what constitutes a "good idea" as far as transit routes are concerned. Perhaps my skepticism comes from the fact that EVERY study of transit needs concludes the opposite of what you suggest...that transit should go where the people are, not where it is convenient.

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Perhaps my skepticism comes from the fact that EVERY study of transit needs concludes the opposite of what you suggest...that transit should go where the people are, not where it is convenient.

Yup. And the ridership levels of the current 7.5 mile stretch prove this point.

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mrfootball, why would anyone want to walk to a light rail line if it was in the middle of a freeway? I think your "genius, brilliant, swell" idea would not only be a waste of money but also do nothing to meet our mobility needs. Running rail along a busy corridor where there is actually the possibility of getting people out of their cars is what's needed. Save the freeways for cars and commuter rail!

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Some of you here are complete freaks about Metro rail. Disturbing how some of you react with glee to the idea of government disrespecting private property and how Metro's plans affect people (even going through the trouble of setting up a new account as 'msfootball' just to be a troll).

More reason not to support Metro and their idiotic urban rail plans. Run a line down I-10, there's a swell idea! Run a line down 290, it's about time. Run a line down I-45, brilliant! Run a line down 59, genius!!!...but running lines down busy thoroughfares, bisecting neighborhoods and risking more collisions...shitty idea.

Urban LRT is not about bringing commuters from Cypress and the Woodlands-that woud be a different animal in the form of commuter rail. It's about building a sustainable system that does not include pollution spewing SUV's. It's about getting people out of their cars and onto a system that will get them where they want to go with less pollution and stress among other things. No one want's to go to AO on a train unless it's a domestic and there are already bus routes for them. I don't deny your right to drive in from Cypress to visit your mom in Afton Oaks-which will never have LRT running through it. What I do have a problem with is your mom's neighbors who hope to de-rail a plan that has nothing to do with them and everything to do with the mobility needs of Houstonians.

Edited by nmainguy
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Afton Oaks residents don't have a problem with the LRT going down Westpark, the way it was originally sold to them. The only thing Afton Oaks residents seek to derail are any plans to drive a train through the subdivision.

And that won't happen so what's up with all the silly signs on Richmond and the resident's lobbying of Wong and Culberson? Do they have another agenda or are they just against rail for any reason. It seems a little honesty on their part would be in order.

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Now, now son. Speaking out of turn again, are you? Go back and do your homework before mommy has to whip your anti-rail behonky!

On a lighter note......Richmond IS the perfect place for a new line, you can put a park and ride right there on the corner of Eldridge, or even further down by Hwy.6 . Perhaps another around the Beltway area. It just makes sense. Walk a couple of blocks to get to the Galleria down Sage. If anything it would spruce up lower Richmond, this could be considered a beautification project on top of mass transit. Kill two birds with one stone.

Edited by TJones
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Afton Oaks residents don't have a problem with the LRT going down Westpark, the way it was originally sold to them. The only thing Afton Oaks residents seek to derail are any plans to drive a train through the subdivision.

Mrfootball, I only ask you what the difference between the LRT Rail and the 100 or so 18 Wheelers that go thundering down Richmond, causing enormous potholes everyday ? With Metro coming down Richmond there will be all new CONCRETE roads built instead of the worthless asphalt junk that is in place now. How come Afton Oaks doesn't delicate flower about the trains racing through there ?

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When is the ribbon cutting ceremony for the light rail line down Richmond? I would love to be present and give my FULL support. Putting the rail on Westpark makes about as much since as putting a toilet on the moon. One arguement i heard from a business owner on Richmond is---my furniture store will suffer from the lack of customers due to the rail line operating on Richmond, because customers will not be able to haul their furniture home. When i buy furniture, i dont haul it in my car, i pay the extra fee to have it delivered to my home. Some of the silly arguements i have heard in opposition to this rail line are better voiced on the otherside of a nut house! With the amount of people in the southwest area of Houston along with businesses and the growth projections Houston has in the near not too distant future, its almost criminal, in my book, to not be much further along than the current rail line in place.

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I apologize to you also. You didn't really offend.......it is really tough to offend me, just ask around. I just hope you didn't pick your persona name to strictly be a TROLL.

As a troll, I take exception to that comparison. :D

One of their man arguments is the fact that they would lose their median of trees.

I have a feeling that that median is not long for this earth anyway! the next expansion of Richmond, should it occur WITHOUT rail, would mean death to those trees anyway. At least, that's the next logical step.

The people in that neighorhood need to get off their high horse and think about the community as a whole and not just about themselves.

Actually, in another post, I have a suggestion which could be interesting and make putting rail in the streets a bit safer...

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Here's how I'd like the MetroRail to go...(from MIdtown)

Elgin down Westheimer all the way out to Uptown.

For Greenway Plaza- Add a small Spur Tramway from Westheimer down to Greenway...

Westheimer IMO is a much more attractive street to add the Rail down compared to Richmond.

I'd like it right smack dab in the middle of lower Westheimer...

Once you get out past uptown if need be, Elevate the Rail so traffic on westheimer is not affected as much...


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Here's how I'd like the MetroRail to go...(from MIdtown)

Elgin down Westheimer all the way out to Uptown.

For Greenway Plaza- Add a small Spur Tramway from Westheimer down to Greenway...

Westheimer IMO is a much more attractive street to add the Rail down compared to Richmond.

I'd like it right smack dab in the middle of lower Westheimer...

Once you get out past uptown if need be, Elevate the Rail so traffic on westheimer is not affected as much...


Why have it elevated on Westiheimer where it's at it's widest?

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