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Terror Plot Foiled


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Countries advocated for nuclear destruction by Moonman's Black and White Nukes:

Algeria, Morocco, Turkey, Egypt, Syria, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Burma, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Indonesia, Kenya, Tanzania, Azerbaijan, Dagestan, Uganda, Ethiopia, Syria, Tunisia, Bahrain, Yemen, Bosnia as well as the West Bank [and China]." Other countries where al Qaeda is known to have covert operational cells include Pakistan, the Philippines, Malaysia, the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Spain and Canada...among others.

After the dust settles, we'll see who else needs to go.

Too bad clearing all that out would cause a nook-u-ler winter.

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I'm not claiming to be 100% correct. Just an intuition is all. I tend to have many of them.

The Lieberman defeat, did however, inarguably show that Americans are exercising more independently-minded voting behavior in going against the experienced Lieberman, and this kind of thinking bothers the system greatly. They don't want Americans to start rejecting the Republican/Democratic coin, because then we wouldn't have great American-pride organizations like NAFTA and the WTO.

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The Lieberman defeat proves how simple minded the one-issue Democratic supporters can be.

One Dem beats another Dem in a primary because he opposed his viewpoint, and you call that 'one-issue Democratic'? :huh:

The reason Dems are not in power is because they AREN'T united, not because they are. The reason Republicans are facing trouble in November is because they AREN'T putting up a united front, not because they are.

If you're going to speak in cliches, at least use the right ones. Otherwise, you sound like a Republican.

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Hyping the terror plot and the fact that it was thwarted was to keep the American populace under control, and stop the wave of independent-minded voting behavior that seems to have arisen in the Connecticut primary.

I'm glad that people are becoming more independent and rejecting these war-supporting Dems like Lieberman. They'll reject all the Republicans too.

I'm sick of the system trying to polarize our nation, thus weakening it, and thus taking away our sovereignty. Dems and Republicans are the same coin.

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Looks the Author has been hitting the absinthe!

Stalk much cun*-clot?

Hyping the terror plot and the fact that it was thwarted was to keep the American populace under control, and stop the wave of independent-minded voting behavior that seems to have arisen in the Connecticut primary.

I'm glad that people are becoming more independent and rejecting these war-supporting Dems like Lieberman. They'll reject all the Republicans too.

I'm sick of the system trying to polarize our nation, thus weakening it, and thus taking away our sovereignty. Dems and Republicans are the same coin.


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Your replies seem to show you have no coherent response to DJ's points. A little too grey for you?

Oye Oye Oye.

MoonDude, U think I would go on www.djpropogandatopostonHAIF.com in order to learn to respond to anyone on this website? I'm openly giving my opinion and asking questions. Feel free to debate and respond. Part of the reason why I'm proud 2 b American is because we're allowed to do so. Might lose an eyebrow or something else if I was in an isolationist nation talking like this, now wouldn't I?

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Your replies seem to show you have no coherent response to DJ's points. A little too grey for you?

moonie is just being moonie: completely predictable.

I'm with Red:

No, the worst part is now I won't be able to turn on the TV for a week without watching breathless reporters show aerial views of airplanes taxiing down tarmacs around the world.

[yawn]...so I'm off to the new Target to buy pillows... :closedeyes:

Editor, we need more smilys for sleep, boredom, zzzz......

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Oye Oye Oye.

MoonDude, U think I would go on www.djpropogandatopostonHAIF.com in order to learn to respond to anyone on this website? I'm openly giving my opinion and asking questions. Feel free to debate and respond. Part of the reason why I'm proud 2 b American is because we're allowed to do so. Might lose an eyebrow or something else if I was in an isolationist nation talking like this, now wouldn't I?

First comparing Koresh to a group of murderous Islamic bastards that high kacked planes with the singular purpose of killing as many Americans as possible---insane

Second comparing the USA to N Korea, which is run by a sawed off, backward, high heel wearing jackass---insane. Where does it end?

Your replies seem to show you have no coherent response to DJ's points. A little too grey for you?

What are you, new?

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First comparing Koresh to a group of murderous Islamic bastards that high kacked planes with the singular purpose of killing as many Americans as possible---insane

Second comparing the USA to N Korea, which is run by a sawed off, backward, high heel wearing jackass---insane. Where does it end?

What are you, new?

Korresh / murderous Islamic bastards = Reglious radicalists. U don't agree?

N Korea = isolationist nation that pushes away the U.N., threatens the world with possible nuclear attacks if they don't get what they want, and has kicked the world out the country. U agree with that? Read your previous post about the U.S. needing to become more isolated, and tell me you don't see anything similar to your dream America to what North Korea already is...

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Second, as I stated before, we are no longer the only nation that has a nuclear weapon. We show another countries pictures of nuclear victims, and they'll fax them right back at us. We point a WMD at another nation, and they'll point it right back at us. The idea is to PROTECT America from a nuclear war, not start one. How is a nuclear missile headed towards America protecting Americans?

Are you new? We havent been the sole possesor of nuclear weapons for decades. If you think there are not nuclear weapons aimed at us at present, you should demand a complete refund from whomever taught you that.

The last sentence in that quote....where the hell did that come from?

This is the reason i havent responded to everything you have asked, its nonsensical.

Questions about isolationism---what?

If thats what i believed in you would know. Im sure you have been watching what i right here. Im not politician. Im not political. Im not shy. I have no need to approach things with kids gloves on and i sure as hell aint diplomatic ;) Im about as in your face with my responses as can be. No need to wonder or put words in my mouth.

Read your previous post about the U.S. needing to become more isolated, and tell me you don't see anything similar to your dream America to what North Korea already is...

I cant read that because it DOESNT EXIST!

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It's so easy to sit around in your safe little house and spit out hatred. If Moonman feels so strongly about wiping out all the Muslims, why doesn't he hop on a plane and just get after it? Big man, big talk. Must be nice to have black and white thinking. Is he willing to do the killing...........or perhaps send his only son to do it?

This thread is really bringing out the crazies.

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It's so easy to sit around in your safe little house and spit out hatred. If Moonman feels so strongly about wiping out all the Muslims, why doesn't he hop on a plane and just get after it? Big man, big talk. Must be nice to have black and white thinking. Is he willing to do the killing...........or perhaps send his only son to do it?

This thread is really bringing out the crazies.

You fit in just fine...........

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Are you new? We havent been the sole possesor of nuclear weapons for decades. If you think there are not nuclear weapons aimed at us at present, you should demand a complete refund from whomever taught you that.

Actually, that was the point I'm trying to make to you. We both can agree 100% that we're not the only nation that has nuclear weapons. But my question to you is this: If we threaten a nation with a nuclear weapon for any reason, why would they not point one back at us? And if we were to fire a WMD today the same way we did against Japan in WWII, how could you expect that country to surrender the way Japan did before launching a nuclear weapon at us first?... Which is why I ask the question as to how the possibility of nuclear retaliation against us is protecting us?

Questions about isolationism---what?

If thats what i believed in you would know. Im sure you have been watching what i right here. Im not politician. Im not political. Im not shy. I have no need to approach things with kids gloves on and i sure as hell aint diplomatic ;) Im about as in your face with my responses as can be. No need to wonder or put words in my mouth.

I cant read that because it DOESNT EXIST!

I know you're just being truthful about what you believe, and you want nothing sugar-coated. I'm being as blunt as I can as well. The fact you may have thought otherwise threw me off a bit. I have no political gain from any of this.

Now, my comments on isolationism. The U.N. generally speaking is a representation of the world diplomatic forum. U've made it clear that you are against diplomacy, which is far more safe than to fix all our issues with conflict. To end diplomatic ties is very similar to what North Korea has done. I'm sure you agree that North Korea's style of government is insane. North Korea is against the U.N., and is against the U.N.'s policies because a lot of the policies don't fit N. Korea's criteria. So in response, N.Korea has been sanctioned hardcore in the trade department.

How exactly is not being a diplomatic nation not being an isolated nation?

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You fit in just fine...........

So, ARE you willing to put your SELF in harm's way to rid the world of anyone you hate? Gee, that would be anyone who doesn't agree with you. Which would be an awful lot of people, by the way. Talk's cheap.

And while I've got your attention: LEARN TO SPELL AND PUNCTUATE CORRECTLY. Jeez. No wonder nobody takes you seriously. "Kids gloves".......that one's pretty rich.

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I know you're just being truthful about what you believe, and you want nothing sugar-coated.

No, he's not. He is being intentionally ignorant. A 3rd grader knows that the use of nuclear weapons against a loose knit non-sovereign criminal group is not only impossible, but would trigger nuclear retaliation. But, like the drunk redneck at an icehouse who growls, "nuke 'em till they glow!", Moonie does not care about that. He merely likes how tough he thinks he sounds by saying it, unaware that the rest of us are snickering, if not outright laughing at him.

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Actually, that was the point I'm trying to make to you. We both can agree 100% that we're not the only nation that has nuclear weapons. But my question to you is this: If we threaten a nation with a nuclear weapon for any reason, why would they not point one back at us? And if we were to fire a WMD today the same way we did against Japan in WWII, how could you expect that country to surrender the way Japan did before launching a nuclear weapon at us first?... Which is why I ask the question as to how the possibility of nuclear retaliation against us is protecting us?

I know you're just being truthful about what you believe, and you want nothing sugar-coated. I'm being as blunt as I can as well. The fact you may have thought otherwise threw me off a bit. I have no political gain from any of this.

Now, my comments on isolationism. The U.N. generally speaking is a representation of the world diplomatic forum. U've made it clear that you are against diplomacy, which is far more safe than to fix all our issues with conflict. To end diplomatic ties is very similar to what North Korea has done. I'm sure you agree that North Korea's style of government is insane. North Korea is against the U.N., and is against the U.N.'s policies because a lot of the policies don't fit N. Korea's criteria. So in response, N.Korea has been sanctioned hardcore in the trade department.

How exactly is not being a diplomatic nation not being an isolated nation?

Nuclear weapons have been pointed at us since 1949 our usage of or non usage of them isnt going to change that.

If we have strategist in power planning to use a nuclear weapon the way we used an atomic weapon on Japan, they need to be fired!!!! I know for a fact that isnt the case.

The USA doesnt need the UN in order to have diplomacy. The UN is a noncredible organization thats ripe with nations that have nothing but piss and vinegar towards the USA. I dont believe in wasting time with a "world" body. That world crap is NOTHING but trouble.


I never said i was against diplomacy, but i have said many times"I am not diplomatic".

I have seen the results of UN diplomacy......it doesnt work!!!

Korean Conflict



N Korea



None of the anti-American rants coming out of the UN are designed to kill and completely erradicate terrorist.

None of the policies in our country, at present, are designed to kill and completely erradicate terrorist.

No, he's not. He is being intentionally ignorant. A 3rd grader knows that the use of nuclear weapons against a loose knit non-sovereign criminal group is not only impossible, but would trigger nuclear retaliation. But, like the drunk redneck at an icehouse who growls, "nuke 'em till they glow!", Moonie does not care about that. He merely likes how tough he thinks he sounds by saying it, unaware that the rest of us are snickering, if not outright laughing at him.

I think you are intentional ignorant, maybe.

I ask you.

How is your Russian?

How is your Chinese?

Have you been to the multiple parades down every Main St. in this nation to witness and support goose stepping communist?

You dont have to speak Russian and Chinese. You dont see communist from Russia or China goose stepping down the Main Sts of every major US city. The reason for that is due large in part to the very policies im advocating, AND DONT YOU EVER FORGET IT!

And DJ im suprised at you. A former Army man. You of all people should know how clever it is strategy wise by targeting an entire group of people for the mistakes of a few. Do you not remember that in bootcamp? Or does the "modern" military not participate in that?

One jackass drills wrong or doesnt dress his rack properly and all others are punished. Leads to a group effort to either improve all together and not make mistakes to get punished, or it leads to the group beating the hell out of the person or persons causing the problem in order for them not to be punished again.

Very effective!

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You dont have to speak Russian and Chinese. You dont see communist from Russia or China goose stepping down the Main Sts of every major US city. The reason for that is due large in part to the very policies im advocating, AND DONT YOU EVER FORGET IT!

Very effective use of caps. I got shivers reading it. Very clever invocation of the Cold War, too. I almost jumped under my desk.

BTW, you might bone up on your Chinese form of government, as well as its designs on world domination. Just a suggestion.

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How is your Russian?

How is your Chinese?

Have you been to the multiple parades down every Main St. in this nation to witness and support goose stepping communist?

You dont have to speak Russian and Chinese. You dont see communist from Russia or China goose stepping down the Main Sts of every major US city. The reason for that is due large in part to the very policies im advocating, AND DONT YOU EVER FORGET IT!

And DJ im suprised at you. A former Army man. You of all people should know how clever it is strategy wise by targeting an entire group of people for the mistakes of a few. Do you not remember that in bootcamp? Or does the "modern" military not participate in that?

One jackass drills wrong or doesnt dress his rack properly and all others are punished. Leads to a group effort to either improve all together and not make mistakes to get punished, or it leads to the group beating the hell out of the person or persons causing the problem in order for them not to be punished again.

Very effective!

Have you lost it or are you just hitting the wood grain early? I mean, even your typing is slurred...

Edited by nmainguy
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So, ARE you willing to put your SELF in harm's way to rid the world of anyone you hate? Gee, that would be anyone who doesn't agree with you. Which would be an awful lot of people, by the way. Talk's cheap.

And while I've got your attention: LEARN TO SPELL AND PUNCTUATE CORRECTLY. Jeez. No wonder nobody takes you seriously. "Kids gloves".......that one's pretty rich.

Are you completely off your rocker? I was in harms way for many years genius! My military service placed me at ground zero.

Non of your stupid comments have been about anything to do with killing terrorist and stopping attacks on this country. Whats your agenda?

Have you lost it or are you just hitting the wood grain early? I mean, even your typing is slurred...

This is related to killing terrorist how?

Very effective use of caps. I got shivers reading it. Very clever invocation of the Cold War, too. I almost jumped under my desk.

BTW, you might bone up on your Chinese form of government, as well as its designs on world domination. Just a suggestion.

No thanks

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And DJ im suprised at you. A former Army man. You of all people should know how clever it is strategy wise by targeting an entire group of people for the mistakes of a few. Do you not remember that in bootcamp? Or does the "modern" military not participate in that?

One jackass drills wrong or doesnt dress his rack properly and all others are punished. Leads to a group effort to either improve all together and not make mistakes to get punished, or it leads to the group beating the hell out of the person or persons causing the problem in order for them not to be punished again.

Very effective!

Be careful Moonman, if you start pointing out how the military taught you and many others discipline, you will be labeled a "Communist" yourself by some on this forum.

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QUOTE(nmainguy @ Thursday, August 10th, 2006 @ 4:45pm)

Have you lost it or are you just hitting the wood grain early? I mean, even your typing is slurred...

This is related to killing terrorist how?

Just a little worried you may be too drunk to handle that big bad weapon you have there against all those mean ol' terrorists and fellow Americans.

Be careful Moonman, if you start pointing out how the military taught you and many others discipline, you will be labeled a "Communist" yourself by some on this forum.

Odd how moonie and DJ were in the same military. I guess DJ just paid better attention?

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