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Question-Bob Lanier

Guest Plastic

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Guest Plastic

The last mayor we had was Mayor Brown. There was alot of positive and negative thoughts about him.

Before him the was Mayor Lanier. Have any positive or negative opinions on him?

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Mayor Brown is Dead.

Or he must be, since Metro named their transit center afte him.

brain-dead perhaps.....they've also named the light rails cars after people. Next time you ride, look just to the left of the driver's door. There are plaques dedicated to people like Shirley "I don't have a degree" Libero.

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There are plaques dedicated to people like Shirley "I don't have a degree" Libero.

They named a rail car after the Metro Chairman?! WOW!!! Is that arrogance or what?! Imagine watching baseball at Drayton McClain Park...

Bob Lanier did a good job as mayor. He used to emphasis more money and funds going to the police/emergency force and education. He also wasn't for Light Rail at that time period, which would make a LOT of anti-rail citizens here happy. And he didn't fall for Bud Adams' deal with a new stadium, and we're better off for it.

Lastly, Lanier, Brown, and White have all finished their term-limits. All three must have had some strong supporters for that to happen.

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