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Republicans are scum!


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Only thing worse than a sore loser is a bad winner. <_< You are like school during spring break............No Class.

? :huh: At least the pages are safe? You might not want to criticise someone's etiquette after taking a cheap shot yourself.

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? :huh: At least the pages are safe? You might not want to criticise someone's etiquette after taking a cheap shot yourself.

They are ? You might want to do a little more history on page scandals before putting feet in your mouth. :ph34r:

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Oh. I'm sorry you poor thing. Parties are for winners, not losers.

Go Senator Webb!!!!! Dems get the Senate too!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You may be happy now :) but i think two years from now you will be a unhappy camper :(:P

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Sorry about that last post. I'm just very excited as a Democrat today and my exuberance gave way to my being a little too crass. It's just been so long since I've felt even a little joy about America's political situation. Again, I'm really sorry if I offended. It's just been such a great day and I've had a little too much champagne!

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Sorry about that last post. I'm just very excited as a Democrat today and my exuberance gave way to my being a little too crass. It's just been so long since I've felt even a little joy about America's political situation. Again, I'm really sorry if I offended. It's just been such a great day and I've had a little too much champagne!

Freedom is great isn't it. ;)

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You may be happy now :) but i think two years from now you will be a unhappy camper :(:P

Oh Lordie no! Quite the contrary! I'll be so happy watching President Obama's acceptance speech, I might just drink so much champagne that I accidently invite some gay Evangelicals over and for some Meth!

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Oh Lordie no! Quite the contrary! I'll be so happy watching President Obama's acceptance speech, I might just drink so much champagne that I accidently invite some gay Evangelicals over and for some Meth!

Hey Mark Barnes you got a another drunk over here :lol::lol::lol::wacko:

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Only thing worse than a sore loser is a bad winner. <_< You are like school during spring break............No Class.

Interns for everyone! Man, Foley is gonna be pissed he missed out!

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Those with unwaivering support for a single political affiliation either have no brain or have no conscience. I'll let you decide into which category you fall.

Sorry, it's just too fun to play with the sore Republicans (or Republican wanna-be's) right now! The two party system isn't great but it seems to be how this country operates right now. It's too bad. Hopefully, some day we'll be able to elect independents...as long as they're not hypocritical faux-Christian douche bags like the Republicans in office now. The Dems is the best we got right now and they're light years ahead of the current cesspool of GOP scum, so I'll give 'em my support.

Edited by TOMIKA!
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I know the history, and what you are referring to happened 33 years ago. :lol:

Wow, I am glad you find having sex with minor children so amusing. Here's some more hilarity for you. Laugh it up, Chief.


Hey TONKA! boy, you can start a new thread using Dems. this time and we'll start with the above link as the gateway.

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Oh Lordie no! Quite the contrary! I'll be so happy watching President Obama's acceptance speech, I might just drink so much champagne that I accidently invite some gay Evangelicals over and for some Meth!

thank you whitney houston!

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Sorry, it's just too fun to play with the sore Republicans (or Republican wanna-be's) right now! The two party system isn't great but it seems to be how this country operates right now. It's too bad. Hopefully, some day we'll be able to elect independents...as long as they're not hypocritical faux-Christian douche bags like the Republicans in office now. The Dems is the best we got right now and they're light years ahead of the current cesspool of GOP scum, so I'll give 'em my support.

As a left leaning individual, I find your postings as distasteful as the "hypocritical faux-Christian douche bags" you so inelegantly refer to. You clearly have nothing constructive to add to any discussion. You are just as sore of a winner as some Republicans were in 2000.

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As a left leaning individual, I find your postings as distasteful as the "hypocritical faux-Christian douche bags" you so inelegantly refer to. You clearly have nothing constructive to add to any discussion. You are just as sore of a winner as some Republicans were in 2000.


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Legally, yes. Effectively, no. Game theory works too well.

It seems there is some movement from the Kinkys and Naders in the world to possibly establish a viable 3rd party. It's too bad that right now all issues are either one or the other, black or white, when clearly the voting public seems to be in the middle. I myself am hoping for a moderate revolution. And, no douche bags allowed! ;)

As a left leaning individual, I find your postings as distasteful as the "hypocritical faux-Christian douche bags" you so inelegantly refer to. You clearly have nothing constructive to add to any discussion. You are just as sore of a winner as some Republicans were in 2000.

So sensitive y'all! Ok, I'll tone it down. As an African American middle-aged female, we just have so little going for us in this country right now. My anger for what Bush has done (or not done) and how it's affected my community runs deep. This election restores some semblance of hope that we might not be just a country of idiots. I feel so happy that the country FINALLY seems to be waking up. As of yesterday I am once again proud of being American.

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It seems there is some movement from the Kinkys and Naders in the world to possibly establish a viable 3rd party. It's too bad that right now all issues are either one or the other, black or white, when clearly the voting public seems to be in the middle. I myself am hoping for a moderate revolution. And, no douche bags allowed! ;)

So sensitive y'all! Ok, I'll tone it down. As an African American middle-aged female, we just have so little going for us in this country right now. My anger for what Bush has done (or not done) and how it's affected my community runs deep. This election restores some semblance of hope that we might not be just a country of idiots. I feel so happy that the country FINALLY seems to be waking up. As of yesterday I am once again proud of being American.

So little goin' on for a middle aged black woman in this country huh ? So, please elaborate what Bush has done to the middle-aged black women of this country in the past 5 years to make living in America soooooo bad. I cannot relate unless I have the facts or at least a few well thought out opinions to go on. Please help TOMIKA!

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It seems there is some movement from the Kinkys and Naders in the world to possibly establish a viable 3rd party. It's too bad that right now all issues are either one or the other, black or white, when clearly the voting public seems to be in the middle. I myself am hoping for a moderate revolution. And, no douche bags allowed! ;)

Kinky wouldn't have anything to do with a political party. He's got too much dignity. Nader will never be part of a viable political party. He's WAY too far out there...if you're looking for a moderate, he's not the guy to look at.

So sensitive y'all! Ok, I'll tone it down. As an African American middle-aged female, we just have so little going for us in this country right now. My anger for what Bush has done (or not done) and how it's affected my community runs deep. This election restores some semblance of hope that we might not be just a country of idiots. I feel so happy that the country FINALLY seems to be waking up. As of yesterday I am once again proud of being American.

So you weren't proud of being American when you were in the minority, but now that you feel that you're in the majority, you're proud? You should've been proud the whole time for being a citizen in a country where the opinions of the populous are allowed to have an effect on the way that they are governed. A country where when one party gets booted out of power, the process is peaceful and there isn't a military coup followed by indefinite periods of marshal law.

By the way, how has Bush affected your 'community'? I don't dispute that there's a lot of outrage...but I just don't get it. So enlighten me, oh African American female one! Explain to me the hardships inflicted upon your 'community' by the evil one. And explain to me the special or unique nature of being an African American female, while you're at it. Explain why you're special.

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By the way, how has Bush affected your 'community'? I don't dispute that there's a lot of outrage...but I just don't get it. So enlighten me, oh African American female one! Explain to me the hardships inflicted upon your 'community' by the evil one. And explain to me the special or unique nature of being an African American female, while you're at it. Explain why you're special.

Yours is precisely the tone that my "community" feels from many including the president on a daily basis. I would just ask you please think before writing such blatantly racist remarks.

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Yours is precisely the tone that my "community" feels from many including the president on a daily basis. I would just ask you please think before writing such blatantly racist remarks.

It isn't racist. It is individualist. There is no community. There is only you.

You are what you make of yourself.

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Kinky wouldn't have anything to do with a political party. He's got too much dignity. Nader will never be part of a viable political party. He's WAY too far out there...if you're looking for a moderate, he's not the guy to look at.

I agree with you on the above statements...

So you weren't proud of being American when you were in the minority, but now that you feel that you're in the majority, you're proud? You should've been proud the whole time for being a citizen in a country where the opinions of the populous are allowed to have an effect on the way that they are governed. A country where when one party gets booted out of power, the process is peaceful and there isn't a military coup followed by indefinite periods of marshal law.

I'm proud to be an American, and I'm sure Tomika's proud, too. I'm also proud that we're in a democracy, and I can run for president and lose whenever I want. However, that doesn't necesarily mean that you have to be proud of the dude in charge, yo. Dixie Chicks got slammed for speaking their mind as to how unproud they were of Bush back in the day, and conservatives all over the place started bashing them for being "unamerican" and unpatriotic. Just because we live in a democracy doesn't mean we're allowed to speak our true minds without consequence.

When I was in Korea, I was bombarded with questions as to why exactly Bush would want to invade Iraq instead of another countries that were bigger threats other than the fact that Iraq had oil and seemed like the best sounding war at the time. It was difficult to answer, but I tried the best I could to respond positively because, let's face it, he was my Commander in Chief, and I was a soilder. That response usually ended up with me somehow switching the subject to "American Idol", and me weaseling my way out, which I also learned from my Commander in Chief.

Not that the war in Iraq shouldn't have been fought; just that to this day, we're still debating as to why we went to war in the first place, which gets REALLY confusing after a while. And the only response I heard from a lot of news reporters was that "if Bush didn't go there, Sadaam would still be in power," as if that was the reason why Colin Powell went to the U.N. and said that's why the U.S. should go in. It was like a change in agenda once the insurgancy began, Rumsfeld's good rep was dwendeling, and the WMDs that were a sure lock for a war against Sadaam were non-existant. And yes, there were some in Iraq, but we never found any that IRAQ manufactured.

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So sensitive y'all! Ok, I'll tone it down. As an African American middle-aged female, we just have so little going for us in this country right now. My anger for what Bush has done (or not done) and how it's affected my community runs deep. This election restores some semblance of hope that we might not be just a country of idiots. I feel so happy that the country FINALLY seems to be waking up. As of yesterday I am once again proud of being American.

We are all sensitive to racism. It appears you aren't. Three of my best friends are black females who are all very successful. I know many others who are also very successful. Having the attitude that "we just have so little going for us" is a problem for YOU. we all have every opportunity to succeed if we choose to do that or we canjust pout that "we just so little going for us." It is YOUR choice to be successful, not the President's or anyone else. If you think otherwise, then you need to seek professional help.

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