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New Dallas Office Tower

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Yes I am sure I work there <_< I've been working there for 6 years now.It does too have 11 floors.The 11th floor is Extra work spaces and file storage. Frost bank does have the 10th floor but it's not off limits to us.I'm up there enough to know every body by name.And when they move out (Next Year)we will then occupy the 10th floor. And Yes you are right it is the calpine building,but I recently just found out that we moved our offices from the chase tower in 2004.If you still dont think I work here then tuff cookies for you ;)

I don't really care where you work. Just bustin' your chops a bit for the accumulation of exaggerations and not-quite-true statements.

Someone earlier posted that the 11th floor had a swimming pool and apartments or some such nonsense. (they've apparently since edited that statement out). Seems rather unusual to devote the top floor of a building to file storage and extra work space. Top floors are usually the highest-valued space...

Can you direct me to any good pictures of the Jones Day Building? I have not been able to find any.

Edited by Houston19514
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I don't really care where you work. Just bustin' your chops a bit for the accumulation of exaggerations and not-quite-true statements.

Someone earlier posted that the 11th floor had a swimming pool and apartments or some such nonsense. (they've apparently since edited that statement out). Seems rather unusual to devote the top floor of a building to file storage and extra work space. Top floors are usually the highest-valued space...

Can you direct me to any good pictures of the Jones Day Building? I have not been able to find any.

You are right again......Top floors arenormally for high-priced space,but since our original intention was to occupy the whole building it was never leased out .When we moved here we didn't quite fill up the whole building,we had floors 1-8.As grew larger and brown productions lease ended we then converted and took over the 9th floor. Then,when frost securities moved out of the 10th floor,Frost bank moved in.We have since then grown more.But since frost bank's lease is not quite up yet we had to convert half of the top floor of Our parking garage into work space to hold us over until next year.And as for having any pictures of Jones Day....I really don't think there are any to be found on the net,I've already looked :( But the jones Day building is very nice throughout. For a matter of fact all of Harwood buildings are very nice :wub:

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