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Diedrich Coffee At 1901 Westheimer Rd.


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I have just returned from Diedrich's Winlow Coffee House on Westheimer at Hazard and learned that the salon next door (The Upper Hand) will take over their space. Diedrich's wanted to renew their lease and was in the process of doing so last month but the salon owners were able to persuade the property manager (whom they apparently know) to lease it to them instead. Diedrich's last day will be November 6. Naturally there is an effort afoot to try to save it, but it seems to me like it might be too late if the new lease is already signed. Here is the contact information:

T-Con Properties, LTD


The Upper Hand


If you want to call Dirk Smith, owner of Diedrich's, he can be reached at 949-589-1525 or by email at dirkjons@aol.com.

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I have just returned from Diedrich's Winlow Coffee House on Westheimer at Hazard and learned that the salon next door (The Upper Hand) will take over their space.

That was a great hangout and a nice change from Starbuck.

Sad to see it go.

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Some of those shoppes around there are gonna be hurt by this closure and here's why... how many people do you think got coffee/tea/etc then decided, "Hey, let's walk over here and see what's in this shoppe" - This type of walk in traffic is going to cease, cause most folks will just drive by instead of stopping in to shop.

Good luck to the rest of those places!

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Some of those shoppes around there are gonna be hurt by this closure and here's why... how many people do you think got coffee/tea/etc then decided, "Hey, let's walk over here and see what's in this shoppe" - This type of walk in traffic is going to cease, cause most folks will just drive by instead of stopping in to shop.

Good luck to the rest of those places!

Amen brother.

My dad said the Diedrich's in Cali is closing down too and they were bought out by Starbuck's, but rather than puting a new coffee shop in its place, they are simply going to leave the store vacant.

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A pox on the new renters..

I hope that no one wishes the salon ill will for being successful. If Diedrich's truly has a loyal following (I have only been there a few times, but really enjoyed it each time), they should be able to open up someplace else in the area and be just as popular as they were before. I think that we should congratulate Upper Hand for making it in that center. How many other shops/restaurants have failed there?

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I hope that no one wishes the salon ill will for being successful. If Diedrich's truly has a loyal following (I have only been there a few times, but really enjoyed it each time), they should be able to open up someplace else in the area and be just as popular as they were before. I think that we should congratulate Upper Hand for making it in that center. How many other shops/restaurants have failed there?

i would think the only ill-wishes would come from this:

Diedrich's wanted to renew their lease and was in the process of doing so last month but the salon owners were able to persuade the property manager (whom they apparently know) to lease it to them instead.

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I hope that no one wishes the salon ill will for being successful. If Diedrich's truly has a loyal following (I have only been there a few times, but really enjoyed it each time), they should be able to open up someplace else in the area and be just as popular as they were before. I think that we should congratulate Upper Hand for making it in that center.

It was Dietrich's that turned the gas station into a great property. too bad the mgmt didn't think more of them.

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Diedrich's does not have to be closed, it is a old style coffee shop, used by all, kids and adults of all ages, in a sense it is a community center, where a person can hang out, and are not throw out, college students, kids of all ages have a place to go, people with dogs, small children, where there is no allochol.

Now Diedrich's has been the only tenant, since the old 1920's gas station was converted into a coffee house.

I am told from a reliable source that Diedrich's was offered a new lease, for less than they were paying, and were also told they have been there best tenant. The lease was in progress when, the property manager, decided that he had changed his mind. Now Diedrich's does bring in a lot of cars, and that could be resolved.

If the tenants of the center would communicate. Now the building on the other side of the Upper Hand is for lease. I ask why do they want to take the lease of a tenant who wants to stay, and believe me Diedrich's very much wants to stay, instead of expanding the other direction that's vacate.

I mean no harm to the Upper Hand, several of there employee's and clients said that The Upper Hand Salon, indicated that Diedrich's had a chance to sign a lease and did not take it. I am told again from a reliable source that, they were not doing anything that any tenant probably would do, that is review the lease, not expecting that the Upper Hand had any intention of competing for the space. Plus there was no competion, Diedrich's had the door close on them.

I am sorry but, this makes me so sad, at a time when people are concerned about old theater's the River Oaks, Alabama, which are nice, and we all know that Most likely the River Oaks Theater if saved will be something more revenue producing, such as a resturant, or something. The old filling station that Diedrich's has put a soul into, used by everyone, there is a community, that exsit's inside and out side that historital structure, unlike and one we can only dream of for either of the River Oaks or West Alabama theater's , Diedrich's has become a santuary for the young, in a city that everyone is concern about rising crime.

Why would anyone do this or let this happen, when they are so good to so many, and I believe if everything was about board, as we all would expect, things might be different.

The Upper Hand Salon. may feel that some how in the SCHEME OF THINGS THAT THEY NOW HAVE THE UPPER HAND, but shouldn't Diedrich's that had the place fitted built out for them be the first in line, we'll only talking opportunity to be at the table with the property manager, to discuss the lease, now remember they were in the process of finilizing the lease.

I am writting this because the pain of regret for being complaisant is much more than the pain of speaking out.

There is one correction from the original e-mail, the Property manager's is 713-520-7360.

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Diedrich's does not have to be closed, it is a old style coffee shop, used by all, kids and adults of all ages, in a sense it is a community center, where a person can hang out, and are not throw out, college students, kids of all ages have a place to go, people with dogs, small children, where there is no allochol.

Now Diedrich's has been the only tenant, since the old 1920's gas station was converted into a coffee house.

I am told from a reliable source that Diedrich's was offered a new lease, for less than they were paying, and were also told they have been there best tenant. The lease was in progress when, the property manager, decided that he had changed his mind. Now Diedrich's does bring in a lot of cars, and that could be resolved.

If the tenants of the center would communicate. Now the building on the other side of the Upper Hand is for lease. I ask why do they want to take the lease of a tenant who wants to stay, and believe me Diedrich's very much wants to stay, instead of expanding the other direction that's vacate.

I mean no harm to the Upper Hand, several of there employee's and clients said that The Upper Hand Salon, indicated that Diedrich's had a chance to sign a lease and did not take it. I am told again from a reliable source that, they were not doing anything that any tenant probably would do, that is review the lease, not expecting that the Upper Hand had any intention of competing for the space. Plus there was no competion, Diedrich's had the door close on them.

I am sorry but, this makes me so sad, at a time when people are concerned about old theater's the River Oaks, Alabama, which are nice, and we all know that Most likely the River Oaks Theater if saved will be something more revenue producing, such as a resturant, or something. The old filling station that Diedrich's has put a soul into, used by everyone, there is a community, that exsit's inside and out side that historital structure, unlike and one we can only dream of for either of the River Oaks or West Alabama theater's , Diedrich's has become a santuary for the young, in a city that everyone is concern about rising crime.

Why would anyone do this or let this happen, when they are so good to so many, and I believe if everything was about board, as we all would expect, things might be different.

The Upper Hand Salon. may feel that some how in the SCHEME OF THINGS THAT THEY NOW HAVE THE UPPER HAND, but shouldn't Diedrich's that had the place fitted built out for them be the first in line, we'll only talking opportunity to be at the table with the property manager, to discuss the lease, now remember they were in the process of finilizing the lease.

I am writting this because the pain of regret for being complaisant is much more than the pain of speaking out.

There is one correction from the original e-mail, the Property manager's is 713-520-7360.

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Here we have a reply from the owner of the Upper Hand Salon. Rachel Gower.

I think that the people writing and distributing this information really believe that it is true. Unfortunately, it's simple not true at all. Diedrich's corporate office sent our landlord, T-Con a letter six months ago stating that they did not wish to renew the lease. Also, about a month ago we were told that he had found another location and was definitely planning on moving. I think that the new location must not have worked out, and he may be using this as an opportunity to drum up some publicity for his business (and to try to hurt us). Regardless,we have never had any control over whom T- CON leases to. We were very surprised to learn that the space was available and it was only after much thought and discussion that we actually expressed interest in the space ourselves. T-Con had a couple of other businesses interested in the space and would have leased it very quickly.

The Unfortunate result is that our landlord has had to hire 24 hour security because Diedrich's customers and employees intimidating our employees and clients. The police have had to come twice to intervene. It's all very unfortunate, but, as I said, I think these people have been purposely mislead. We're hoping that Dirk will take responsibility for the situation and try to make it right. He certainly knows the truth. He lives in California, however, so it may not be affecting him too much.

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The Truth is that the fliers indicate that Diedrich's is being pushed out by the Salon, that the Salon is planning to lease this space, most likely sub-lease it to meassage therapist's, maybe even keep the coffee bar for their customers. Dirk the owner of the Diedrich has not mislead me. The facts are that after November 6, Diedrich's lease will expire. The Salon will have pushed out a tenant, that wants to stay. Believe me Diedrich's wants to stay.

They are not interested in the lease of the space on the other side, because it is inconvenient, there customers & employees would have to walk ouside, about 10 feet. So they have their eyes on Diedrich's space, with no regard, for how much this is going to inconvenient Diedrich's customers, employees, and all the relationships that ARE tied to this cummunity that excites inside & out side this historial structure. Diedrich's is a wonderful tenant loved by this community.

The Upper Hand Salon yes has called the Police, ONCE they called and reported that the guy handing out fliers was disrupting their business. There business was being disrupted by Diedrich's customers that were also customers of the Upper Hand Salon, they were upset, with what the Salon was trying to do, push out their Favorite coffee house. The hiring of the security guard was as well, to intimidate, those who are just trying to save something very dear to them.

How can the owners of the Upper Hand Salon. their employees, their customers, fool themselves and believe that this is in Any Way Ethical.

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:lol: i'm sorry, but the picture of coffee aficionados and salon personel cat fighting cracks me up.

diedrich customer - "your ruining my favorite coffee place."

upper hand employee - "we want to make more people feel special."

sounds trite.

i hate to see diedrich's go, but passing out flyers in front of the salon is embarrassing. are the salon customers going to boycott diedrich's? how about a picket line with signs of a steaming coffee cup and a "X" through it.

i know i want to have a cup of joe while getting dirty looks from the neighboring business.

it's sad to see loyal customers of any business making an issue worse than it already is. showing your support (or lack of support) with how you spend your money is about the best you can do. IMO

Edited by bachanon
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