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Do you have kids?


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I have two boys, ages TWELVE and FOURTEEN. I spell out their ages for sympathy. I am FIFTY. They are adopted, birth brothers, and a handfull, especially my FOURTEEN YEAR OLD!

The 12 year old, you have 3 years of peace left, but the 14 year old, watch out!!!! Seems like 15 is the magic number. 15 is the age at which both of my boys tried to buck me. Something with that number ;) Remembering back, it was the same age at which i tried to give my parents a hard time too ;);)

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Something to look forward to when your kids reach high-school age! HA!

This is Homecoming Season for all Texas high schools right now, and this is a big part of the Homecoming tradition; it's called a Texas Homecoming Mum. And, yes, bigger is better when it comes to mums! :D

This humongous one belongs to my daughter, a junior at Klein Oak, whose Homecoming is next weekend. Her date also wears one on his arm ( a garter ) that is only slightly smaller. If the student is not going with a date to the Homecoming Dance that everyone goes to, their parents will buy them a mum to wear. Sometimes, parents will buy a mum, the date will buy one too, and sometimes girls give each other mums, so these little high school girls sometimes show up almost camouflaged by all the mums! Usually, freshmen get one mum, sophomores get two, juniors get three, and seniors get four ( or more ) mums. The seniors mums are sometimes in the shape of a Texas star, ( six mums, one at each point and one in the center ) or in the shape of a heart. Senior mums are usually in the colors of white & gold, not the traditional school colors. Sometimes the whole contraption lights up, plays the school song, etc. The mums are usually worn to school on the day of the game, but not to the dance the following night. Our Homecoming Dance is usually "Theme", not "Formal", as most of them are. Some kids go all out and rent limos and eat at very expensive restaurants, but most don't, at least not at Klein Oak. When you go "Formal", this also involves expensive hair and nail appointments and sometimes "faux tans". It can get pretty out there, but it's the only big "thing" they'll be going to all year, unless they're seniors and go to Prom. Sometimes the mums are taken off at the game and hung on the chain link fence in front of the stands during the game. It's really something to see. I know our Homecoming is next weekend against Klein Collins. I think The Woodlands has their Homecoming next weekend, too. Bach, do you know? I heard yesterday that The Woodlands College Park is celebrating their Newcoming, not Homecoming. I was told that it's called a Newcoming because it's a new school, and until the school has a class that goes all the way from freshmen to senior, that they won't have a Homecoming. If you're able to go sometime, you should. It's a lot of fun! BTW, I never knew about any of this until my daughter was actually in high school, so I hope I haven't scared of any of you with little ones still! Of course, this is nothing compared to getting them ready for college... :P

Yeah but you can never trade these moments for any amount of money. I think I enjoyed the high school years with mine as much as the toddling years.


Or the Christmas'


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Can you say, GOOD genetics.

Nice bunch of kids.

And yes, those damn MUMS were expensive. I resorted to making my own my senior year with a glue gun and the knick knacks from Michaels Art Supply.

Edited by Pumapayam
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Newborns - and thank you for saying it was noble, I have always thought that it was an entirely selfish act on my part.

No papillion, I would say it is "Selfless". You gave, what I am sure is a loving caring family, to two boys in need, and probably didn't ask for one second, "what's in it for me?"

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Can you say, GOOD genetics.

Nice bunch of kids.

And yes, those damn MUMS were expensive. I resorted to making my own my senior year with a glue gun and the knick knacks from Michaels Art Supply.

Genetics Huh, can you explain this?


My wife looks nothing like my girls see?????

Seriously you are exactly right


My better half and my mother in law. "Gammy" as my kids call her is the best!

65 years old and still hotter than fish grease. I have a severe weakness for Lebanese women!


The three stooges again. Definately Moms little darlings.

The twins look like my sister but Kelli is moms thumb print.

Edited by Mark F. Barnes
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My better half and my mother in law. "Gammy" as my kids call her is the best!

65 years old and still hotter than fish grease. I have a severe weakness for Lebanese women!


Mark, I have been looking at your family pics since yesterday, wondering why they looked so familiar. The above statement confirmed my suspicions. I am half Lebanese. I have sisters who could pass for your kids' cousins. And, no wonder I thought they were all so beautiful. :D

No kids of my own, though. My parents had 7. That cured me. :lol:

Great pics everyone.

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Puma, why on earth would you want to have a train bearing down on you and your niece ? ;):lol:

Btw, Moonman, I was trying trying to make a deal with a Leprechaun the other day to make Skye stay 4 years old for the next 20 years, and he said "no deal." But at least I tried. The 4mo. old, Saylor, is having conversations already, she Goos and Gahs LOUDLY ! She also gets mad as hell that she can't actually walk yet. She hates her exersaucer now, but loves the walker because she can scoot around.

Edited by TJones
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Mark, I have been looking at your family pics since yesterday, wondering why they looked so familiar. The above statement confirmed my suspicions. I am half Lebanese. I have sisters who could pass for your kids' cousins. And, no wonder I thought they were all so beautiful. :D

No kids of my own, though. My parents had 7. That cured me. :lol:

Great pics everyone.

As you can see my gals are far from the abayas and the niqab. They along with my wife are very Americanized. And they have Gammy most of the way there. Gammy descends from a long line of Maronites (Phoenician/Aramaean). She speaks the most beautiful dialect of French you have ever heard. Her and my Father-in-law fled Lebanon to avoid persecution in 1968 with five kids, my wife included. BoomPa (father-in-law) is a Geologist. I worked with him at Texaco and the rest is history. My Sicilian background and the Lebanese made a really great mix I have to say. Never a dull moment I can guarantee that. :ph34r:

Marty now you know why I came and got all those shotgun shells from you!!!!! :lol::lol::lol:


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This is a great thread. My hubby and I are expecting our 1st and couldn't be more excited. We did the "wait until we're sure we're ready" thing, which meant $$. We were ready emotionally years ago. Well, now we wish we hadn't waited so long. I'm 34, so not old but it definitely adds limitations to what we can do from here.

Anyway, I had to share my picsthumb_sucker.jpg as well. This was at 16 weeks. We are now 27 weeks!!


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This is a great thread. My hubby and I are expecting our 1st and couldn't be more excited. We did the "wait until we're sure we're ready" thing, which meant $$. We were ready emotionally years ago. Well, now we wish we hadn't waited so long. I'm 34, so not old but it definitely adds limitations to what we can do from here.

Anyway, I had to share my picsthumb_sucker.jpg as well. This was at 16 weeks. We are now 27 weeks!!


UH OH, no alcohol or cigarettes for you for a little while longer. :D:D

Congrats on the baby!

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UH OH, no alcohol or cigarettes for you for a little while longer. :D:D

Congrats on the baby!

or sushi or soft cheeses (ahhh Goat Cheese and Brie, it was nice knowing you) or nice rare steaks. BUT it will all be worth it. I've been drunk for ~ 18 years so drying out is actually kinda nice.

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No kids of my own, though. My parents had 7. That cured me. :lol:

Great pics everyone.

My goodness, 7 kids? I would be a raging alcoholic!

We stopped at 2. When MINI-ME was born, i got "fixed" ;););) My youngest son can pass for my twin, he looks almost exactly the way i did at his age. Just add a few gray hairs to the side burns and a thin mustache, and a couple of skin shades lighter and you have me ;)


Edited by Houston1stWordOnTheMoon
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it's way cool to see how many of you all have kids. i'm disappointed to hear that redscare doesn't have any offspring. all that intelligence should be shared. i hope you're into mentoring, red.

great pics everyone.

rock and roll!!!


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A 16 yr old huh? Hows your grocery bill? Having 2 teenage boys..my goodness. The grocery bill is incredible!! Not so bad now that one of them is away at college, but this summer, MY GOODNESS!!! ;)

I have to agree, I ate like crazy a few years back, and never gained weight, now I eat much more moderate.

I remember I used to eat (6) slices of French toast in one sitting, now I barely hit 3 or 4.

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Great looking kids all! Particularly yours Mark. Just kidding don't shoot!!!

It's great to get a different feel for everyone on the board that has contributed. I just found out my wife has one in the oven. I am so excited.

Hooray ! Who knew westguy's boys could SWIM !!!! :P:lol: Congrats !

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Great looking kids all! Particularly yours Mark. Just kidding don't shoot!!!

It's great to get a different feel for everyone on the board that has contributed. I just found out my wife has one in the oven. I am so excited.

Congrats on the new baby!!!! Now do all of us fathers proud by loving your kid to no end ;)

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2 girls 4yr. and 4mos., and they WILL cost me 18 to 19 times, not kidding :lol:

Any fond memories yet with the 4 yr old?

When my youngest son was 4, we took a trip to my parents house for one week. Me my wife and our 2 sons. My parents had this dog named Rambo. Rambo was a german shepard in which my youngest son Jericho got attached to like white on rice! He played with that dog everyday we were there. Rambo was allowed to stay inside when he was good, but when he was bad, he was banished to his doghouse in the back yard. Well, the first 3 days we were there, Rambo stayed in the house and slept in the guest bedroom with our sons. Fast forward to day 4 of the trip and uh oh. Rambo was a bad boy...he jumped up and broke some of my mothers glasses, bad move. That action got him banished to the backyard doghouse. My son Jericho, being so attached to his "Bambo" was not at all too happy. He cried and raised kiddie hell and cried himself to sleep :(:(

My wife took him and our other son up stairs for thier daily nap which was promptly at 3pm and returned downstairs to the kitchen with the rest of us. Well an hour passes and she goes up to check on the boys. Enter the room and our other son Munir is sound asleep, but there is no Jericho! Our youngest son is missing from his bed. Well she searched the room and entire upstairs, no luck. Next thing we know, shes flying down the stairs screaming that someone had stolen our baby--mini me was missing :( Of course we all jump up and start searching the entire house and calling his name. My father then noticed the screen to the sliding glass doors leading to the back yard was open so outside we went, and guess what? We found Jericho!!! He was sound asleep in the grass right outside of "BAMBO'S" doghouse with the dog laying next to him. It was the most cutest thing!! He decided that if "BAMBO" couldnt sleep in the house, he wouldnt either!!

I would post the pic of that moment, but somehow it grew legs and walked away like a yr ago :unsure:

I try not to tell that story too often when my son Jericho is around because it embarrasses the hell out of him :D:D

Enjoy your kids while they are small, because they grow up fast!

Sorry this post is a bit long-winded :blush::blush:

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You bet I have some good memories already. My favorite I guess is a trip we took to Galveston when she was about 3yrs, just turned 3. It was a big day for her. She was running back and forth by the water. The water would chase her, then she would chase the water back into the Gulf. This went on for about 20 mins. or so. Then the water was a little faster than her, and caught her and knocked her down. She got drenched, and she was none too happy about it. I was about 4 feet away from her. She jumped up as fast as she could and immediately started crying and holding out her ams for me to carry her. It was so sad and funny at the same time. Poor little lamb. It took her about 2 minutes to get over it. Then she started to go back out to get at look at that water again, and this time when it came up to her, she was pointing at it and saying, "NO ! NO! NO !" I fell out, my wife fell out. One of the funniest things I have ever seen. On the way home we stopped and got ice cream cones. HER first ever, she was lovin' it. Got it ALL over her, her car seat and the SUV, and she could've cared less. :lol:


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You bet I have some good memories already. My favorite I guess is a trip we took to Galveston when she was about 3yrs, just turned 3. It was a big day for her. She was running back and forth by the water. The water would chase her, then she would chase the water back into the Gulf. This went on for about 20 mins. or so. Then the water was a little faster than her, and caught her and knocked her down. She got drenched, and she was none too happy about it. I was about 4 feet away from her. She jumped up as fast as she could and immediately started crying and holding out her ams for me to carry her. It was so sad and funny at the same time. Poor little lamb. It took her about 2 minutes to get over it. Then she started to go back out to get at look at that water again, and this time when it came up to her, she was pointing at it and saying, "NO ! NO! NO !" I fell out, my wife fell out. One of the funniest things I have ever seen. On the way home we stopped and got ice cream cones. HER first ever, she was lovin' it. Got it ALL over her, her car seat and the SUV, and she could've cared less. :lol:

I love it!!!

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I can't believe how great everyone's kids look--and TJ, oh my, you have some serious cutie patooties there, WOW! Just adorable. We took Feebs to the beach too and had a blast!!

Some of y'all probably remember when I had Phoebe, she was soooo small at 5 lbs 5 oz! Now she's 17 months old and she's in the 97th percentile on height and 75th on weight! She is doing great and is the most wonderful thing in the world. Motherhood is the best!


Here she is with Daddy in Galveston:


I could post pics of her all day :wub:

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