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Homophobic Landscapers?


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Another agent I know forwarded an e-mail to me. It is a response a landscaper gave to an inquiry from a potential client. There are a lot of issues that could be discussed surrounding this response. People are certainly entitled to their own belief systems, but if nothing else it serves as a strong reminder for myself, to be careful of who I give my money to.

Subject: Cancel Appt -Garden Guy

Dear Mr. Lord,

I am appreciative of your time on the phone today and glad you contacted us. I need to tell you that we cannot meet with you because we choose not to work for homosexuals.

Best of luck in finding someone else to fill your landscaping needs.

All my best,


Todd and Sabrina Farber

Owners, Garden Guy, Inc.

visit us at: www.garden-guy.com <http://www.garden-guy.com/>

Member of the Association of Professional Landscape Designers

www.apld.com <http://www.apld.com/>

Creating beautiful landscaping for Houston homeowners since 1991!

Phone 281-208-4400

Fax 1+801-365-9353

email: sabrina@garden-guy.com <java script:parent.ComposeTo('sabrina@garden-guy.com',%20'');>

email: todd@garden-guy.com <java script:parent.ComposeTo('todd@garden-guy.com',%20'');>

Hey, rps! I used to live two doors down from a lesbian who would only use lesbian repair people. I think she still lives in the same house today.

So, if I get her phone number, e-mail address, fax # and any other personal information I can, would you

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Hey, rps! I used to live two doors down from a lesbian who would only use lesbian repair people. I think she still lives in the same house today.

So, if I get her phone number, e-mail address, fax # and any other personal information I can, would you

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Hey, rps! I used to live two doors down from a lesbian who would only use lesbian repair people. I think she still lives in the same house today.

So, if I get her phone number, e-mail address, fax # and any other personal information I can, would you

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H2B I seem to remember someone deciding they weren't gonna go to a certain Mexican restaurant in their town anymore because they closed down for a day for something the restaurant owner BELIEVED IN. That person was very upset about it and posted it on here , and was basically shouting it out from the rooftops.

Now, who was that ? <_<:mellow:B)

Here, let me refresh your memory.


Edited by TJones
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I think the landscaper was STUPID. He could have said anything but that! I guess idiots like that get what they deserve in the end!

That was my point. Refusing business is his right. He's stupid for admitting his reasons.

For the record -- I'm straight, but despise illegal acts against gay people. Not liking gay people and choosing not to work for them is not illegal, though. It's silly and narrowminded, but not illegal. Who are you to presume to tell this guy how to feel about homosexuality? I think a big man-love session at the end of his sales pitch sounds like a great idea for teaching this idiot some business sense. I doubt you'll ever get through to him on any other level though.

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Because the leaders of both major political parties are still closed minded like Dal and Jeebus, in that being "Gay" is a choice. They have obviously never talked to an actual Gay person. Until both parties can get that part of their head out of their asses, the status quo will remain.

Probably the most closed-minded thing one can do is presume to tell someone else how he or she thinks.

I know I will never get any understanding from you or many others on this board, but you really don't know what you're saying here.

One of the most influential people in my life, my uncle, was a gay man who died of AIDS about six years ago. His partner, whom I considered family died two years before he did. I lived with them when I first moved to Houston. Their circle of friends -- gay and straight -- accepted me and we were always together. These people were the first friends I had in Houston, even though they are a bit older than I am.

Over the course of the last year of his life, my uncle's health deteriorated. Havingf suffered nerve damage, he had lost the use of his legs and was really too weak to even use his wheelchair. His own brother essentially ignored him and my mom -- his sister -- lived too far away to take care of him. In that time, I went from helping him shop for groceries and cooking to actually moving out of my apartment and back in with him to provide round-the-clock care, with the help of a nurse that came by during the day, while I was at work.

I'd go to work, then come home and take care of him. I'd change his diaper (he was completely bedridden), cook, clean, pay bills, check on his meds, etc. We'd sit up late watching TV and talking every night. I'd invite my friends -- gay and straight -- for the occasional poker game on nights when he could muster the strength to get into his wheelchair.

When he died, I was executor of his will and sold his house to a lifelong friend of his (also gay), who had also been a great supporter of his, for probably 40% below market value. I used the proceeds to pay off the mountain of medical bills.

His last couple of weeks were spent at Bering Omega House -- an AIDS hospice (gay and straight, but mostly gay). I donate to them regularly.

I guess my point is that your characterization of my feelings about gay people seems a tad askew, given the fact that I was somehow able to swallow all my hatred while changing a gay AIDS patient's diapers. Not to mention the best memories I'll have in my lifetime are those spent with my uncle and his friends before he was so sick.

My Best Man from my wedding is also gay and often quite reactive in his viewpoints on subjects like this. We get into some pretty heated arguments about this kind of thing and each often learns from the other.

I pointed out that it was the gardener's right to refuse any business he wished. I also stated that his views were stupid. For that, you labeled me a narrow-minded, anti-gay person with his head in his ass. That you made this statement while proclaiming your own heightened tolerance levels and open-mindedness (mixed with a "kill 'em all and let God sort them out" discussion on the side, mind you) perplexes me.

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Except rps didn't light the fire-he just reported on it. If you would like to out a consumer who chooses not to trade with a bigoted provider, start with me: I don't trade with hypocritical Republicans who tout family values while covering for child predators just so they can retain power.

But that's just me and you have every right to blindly label any of us as a bigot when we report on bigotry.

He didn
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Edit out the contact info on all the posts and I would have absolutely no objection to this thread.

Did you mean this contact information?

Todd and Sabrina Farber

Owners, Garden Guy, Inc.

www.garden-guy.com <http://www.garden-guy.com/>

Phone 281-208-4400

Fax 1+801-365-9353

email: sabrina@garden-guy.com <java script:parent.ComposeTo('sabrina@garden-guy.com',%20'');>

email: todd@garden-guy.com <java script:parent.ComposeTo('todd@garden-guy.com',%20'');>

Good luck in getting a reply-I've had none. They don't respond to emails and they don't answer the phone.

BTW, someone called "Concerned" has published the names, addresses and TDL#'s of the guys who recieved the email on the Garden Guy forum. Now how did "Concerned" get that info and what is their purpose in doing this?

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If someone opens up a business, complete with a web-site with its own discussion forum, then you are soliciting business & responses from the public. Your contact info is hardly a secret, it is information they spend money puttting out there. It is not like private contact information was distributed. If anyone finds that objectionable, then thank you for your opinion. I stand by the position there was nothing wrong with posting it here.

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If someone opens up a business, complete with a web-site with its own discussion forum, then you are soliciting business & responses from the public. Your contact info is hardly a secret, it is information they spend money puttting out there. It is not like private contact information was distributed. If anyone finds that objectionable, then thank you for your opinion. I stand by the position there was nothing wrong with posting it here.

And when you post the email recipient's TDL#'s on your forum, expect to have even more of your contact info revealed:

From the Garden Guy forum:

Here's some public information from the domain registration info for garden-guy.com.







Administrative Contact:


Phone: 713-270-1003

E-mail: shfarber@prodigy.net

Well, that might be an old address. Enter yellowpages.com.

Farber, Todd & Sabrina

1307 Musselburgh Ct

Missouri City, TX 77459-2748

(281) 403-2756

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Wow, the power of the internet.


"Renting a billboard might not have been as effective as cancelling an appointment by an easily redistributed e-mail, and not having the God-given guts to convey your stance over the telephone."

Looks like if you type "Farber" and "Garden" under Google news, it is the first item.


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Well it looks like the email wasn't a hoax. The Farbers seem to have retreated back under their rock because they won't talk to anyone outside of the lame statement they've put out. However they got a shot in the arm from the Hate Based American Family Association [better known as The Child Predator Republican Party's Right Wing Flak Association]

So lets hear it for the Farbers!!! I wonder if they'll have a going out of buisness sale on their "services"?

[Just keep that icky Todd away from me...EWWWWWWWWw as TJ would say ;) ]

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........and to think, didn't HAIF scoop this first ? I thought the APLD said they were a member but hasn't paid their yearly dues for this year.

The APLD is not amused their good name has been linked to the vermin now commonly known as "The Adolph and Eva Show." :ph34r:

Edit thanks to smarty pants dal

Edited by nmainguy
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