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Dems take back the House and Senate

Guest Marty

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Dont know about others here, but that would not make me a happy camper :angry2::angry::angry2:

Nah, I'd be a-ok with that. The more unskilled workers, the lower the price I have to pay for labor-intensive services...and if they can be documented for law enforcement purposes, all the better. But that'll never happen because it'd 1) make the Democrats look like they agreed with Bush on something and 2) would piss off the unions of the rust belt...and they'll need the rust belt in 2008.

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Macaca appears to be on his way out in Virginia (somebody tell him the Civil War is over. The South lost.), though he still has not conceded. This gives Dems at least a tie in the Senate. Jack Abramov's errand boy in Montana is also losing, but at 1,700 votes, it is still too close to call.

Bush is going to give a speech at 12:30, where he is expected to urge to stay the course in Iraq (although with different terminology) and to ask Dems to work with him. Many will recall that Bush pledged to work with Dems in 2000 and 2004, as well. What he meant then is he'll work with them as long as they agree with him. It remains to be seen what he means this time. My prediction is more of the same, except with many vetos in his future. I don't consider this a bad thing. I think that the checks and balances have been restored, and each side will cancel out the extremists on the other.

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Rush Limbaugh said that he was tired of carrying the water for the phony republicans. Why did he tell his listeners to vote for them then.

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Rush Limbaugh said that he was tired of carrying the water for the phony republicans. Why did he tell his listeners to vote for them then.

Because he knows they will do exactly as he instructs-he cares nothing for Dems or Reps-he counts on the mindless to keep him in power on the air waves thus keeping him in golf balls, cigars and drugs.

Mission accomplished.

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Because he knows they will do exactly as he instructs-he cares nothing for Dems or Reps-he counts on the mindless to keep him in power on the air waves thus keeping him in golf balls, cigars and drugs.

Mission accomplished.

That's why i stopped listening to his show. I rather listen to local talk show's anyhow .

Edited by Marty
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Did anyone see Rush Limbaugh bashing his fellow Republicans for losing the House and Senate earlier today?? :lol::lol::lol:


Oh, my bad >:)

I can't currently find the video, though I think it's on CNN's website somewhere. However, I found a re-enactment. Imagine the Democrats being Carrie Underwood, and Rush Limbaugh being Faith Hill in this clip...

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unfortunately, when the security measures that have foiled many terrorist plots are defunded, we can look forward to the next 9/11. but i'm sure many will find a way to blame bush for that too. let's hope it's not the port of houston this time.

did anyone notice the al qaida message that applauded the democrats taking control of the house and senate? i wonder why they are excited about that.

nancy pelosi my ass. i'd choose a corrupt republican over her any day of the week. she said that we can look forward to "the most ethical congress in the history of our country". puking guts up now ummmm, yeah. i guess in her way of relativist thinking, anything that agrees with her is "ethical". it's all about perception isn't it.

i don't think i can stand to read the news for awhile.

I can only hope so but I suggest you check in with one of your local radio talk shows to tell you what to think.

abc, nbc, cbs and cnn have been telling people what to think for years. in the early eighties, i could read the text of a reagan speech and have the nightly news tell me it said something opposite (OPPOSITE) of what was in the text. the media has been "spinning" the news as long as i can remember. it is only in the last couple of decades that alternative media has had the freedom to spin it differently than abc, cbs, nbc, pbs and cnn. i know it's frustrating for you left of center folks. it was so much easier to have only one world view coming out of the media. thank goodness for the internet, talk radio and cable tv.

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They promised those twelve years ago. Instead they perfected the incumbancy-protection program (aka gerrymandering).

do you think the democrats were in power for 40+ years because they were popular? those guys wrote the book on gerrymandering.

'94 was truly historic. '06 was a common six year term turnover. nothing phenomenal about it.

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unfortunately, when the security measures that have foiled many terrorist plots are defunded, we can look forward to the next 9/11. but i'm sure many will find a way to blame bush for that too. let's hope it's not the port of houston this time.

did anyone notice the al qaida message that applauded the democrats taking control of the house and senate? i wonder why they are excited about that.

nancy pelosi my ass. i'd choose a corrupt republican over her any day of the week. she said that we can look forward to "the most ethical congress in the history of our country". puking guts up now ummmm, yeah. i guess in her way of relativist thinking, anything that agrees with her is "ethical". it's all about perception isn't it.

i don't think i can stand to read the news for awhile.

abc, nbc, cbs and cnn have been telling people what to think for years. in the early eighties, i could read the text of a reagan speech and have the nightly news tell me it said something opposite (OPPOSITE) of what was in the text. the media has been "spinning" the news as long as i can remember. it is only in the last couple of decades that alternative media has had the freedom to spin it differently than abc, cbs, nbc, pbs and cnn. i know it's frustrating for you left of center folks. it was so much easier to have only one world view coming out of the media. thank goodness for the internet, talk radio and cable tv.

Thank you, Mr. Hannity. And, welcome to Houston.

"If you would like to post an opposing view, please submit your editorial to HAIF Editorial, PO Box 5555, Chicago, IL 90210. Please observe the HAIF editorial guidelines. And, remember, no profanity."

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abc, nbc, cbs and cnn have been telling people what to think for years. in the early eighties, i could read the text of a reagan speech and have the nightly news tell me it said something opposite (OPPOSITE) of what was in the text. the media has been "spinning" the news as long as i can remember. it is only in the last couple of decades that alternative media has had the freedom to spin it differently than abc, cbs, nbc, pbs and cnn. i know it's frustrating for you left of center folks. it was so much easier to have only one world view coming out of the media. thank goodness for the internet, talk radio and cable tv.

Oh, I was only suggesting talk radio for those too lazy think on their own. I, on the other hand, have no problem listening to a speech by a Reagan or a Clinton without an analysis from anyone, quite frankly.

But I suppose when you are so wrapped up in the internet, talk radio and cable tv-not to mention illogical hatred of a woman you clearly know little or nothing about [except for what the internet, talk radio and cable tv has told you what to think] it's just too hard to think of anything else. :)

Edited by nmainguy
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it's only a matter of time before pelosi puts her foot in her mouth. there are democrats keeping their fingers crossed that she'll reign herself in. she's a divisive figure and will guaranty a republican win in '08. i base my dislike (not hatred) of nancy pelosi based on her own words. ever hear of c-span?

i do not listen to talk radio. however, i am glad that differing viewpoints are being discussed. the "news" pre-cable/talk radio/internet was abysmal.

the assumption that right of center people are non-thinkers is illogical and arrogant. disgust over someone's political viewpoints, especially someone who has risen to third in line to the presidency, is neither illogical nor hateful. :)

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it's only a matter of time before pelosi puts her foot in her mouth. there are democrats keeping their fingers crossed that she'll reign herself in. she's a divisive figure and will guaranty a republican win in '08. i base my dislike (not hatred) of nancy pelosi based on her own words. ever hear of c-span?

i do not listen to talk radio. however, i am glad that differing viewpoints are being discussed. the "news" pre-cable/talk radio/internet was abysmal.

the assumption that right of center people are non-thinkers is illogical and arrogant. disgust over someone's political viewpoints, especially someone who has risen to third in line to the presidency, is neither illogical nor hateful. :)

Good rebuttal.. But hey, what do I know? I'm right of center.

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it's only a matter of time before pelosi puts her foot in her mouth. there are democrats keeping their fingers crossed that she'll reign herself in.

Which ones?

she's a divisive figure

based on what?

and will guaranty a republican win in '08.

Really? Can I borrow your crystal ball?

i base my dislike (not hatred) of nancy pelosi based on her own words.

Which words? Exactly?

ever hear of c-span?

i do not listen to talk radio. however, i am glad that differing viewpoints are being discussed. the "news" pre-cable/talk radio/internet was abysmal.

Because FOX "fair and balanced" is so much better?

the assumption that right of center people are non-thinkers is illogical and arrogant.

Unless you are talking about the ones who really don't think

disgust over someone's political viewpoints, especially someone who has risen to third in line to the presidency, is neither illogical nor hateful.

So what disgusts you? Specificly? That the Democrats won the House and Senate? That Pelosi will be speaker? Maybe someone told you democracy will now collapse because Republicans were defeated? Just curious if you actually have any facts to back up your "puking guts up now" dislike of Pelosi. Or maybe you're just unhappy because your prefered "corrupt republican"s are no longer in power?

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george will - Making the Democratic House majority run smoothly will require delicacy. The six elections beginning with 1994 produced Republican majorities averaging just 10 seats. The six elections before 1994 produced Democratic majorities averaging 44. Nancy Pelosi's majority will be less than half that. The most left-wing speaker in U.S. history will return to being minority leader in 2009 unless she eschews an agenda that cannot be enacted without requiring the many Democrats elected from Republican-leaning districts to jeopardize their seats.
full story
raymond j. learsy - The election and its results were about many things but most certainly Iraq, National Security and the arrogance of power were key. Other issues such as energy independence played their role as well.

In one fell swoop Nancy Pelosi, because of personal animosity is about to trip the Democratic agenda into highly suspect terrain regarding National Security and the arrogance of power.

Jane Harman, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence

Committee is a highly intelligent and competent public

servant . Her service in that position has won high praise from

Democrat and Republican alike. She knows her business

and knows the neighborhood.

Nancy Pelosi (I am "speaker of the House, not just the Democrats") is about to indulge a personal bias and in doing so tripping the Democratic party into a clear example of abuse and arrogance of power.

She is about to pass up Rep. Jane Harman to become the next chairman of the House Intelligence Committee because of mostly personal animus (a "frosty relationship" as reported in Friday's NYTimes). Thereby sending a signal to the voting public at large that with Democrats, national security, much as they feared, is a secondary issue. Personal fiefdoms and fealty come first before the nation's security concerns. And given those priorities the nation may stand at greater risk.

full story

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By: cliffprice (democrat) on November 12, 2006 at 03:15am

Prior to the election, many astute observers lamented the lack of leadership in the Dem party. Nancy Pelosi did not provide the leadership required to mold the House Dems into a cohesive unit, and Harry Reid did not generate the aura of strength, confidence and persuasive interpersonal skills required to mold the Senate Dems into the powerhouse that they needed to be.

Unfortunately, the Dem party also suffered from Howard Dean's lack of organizational leadership. Although I strongly supported Dean to chair the DNC, he was not an effective organizational leader. Sure, the election results lend support to the 50-states program he initiated to support all Dem candidates, he periodically harped about the Repug culture of corruption and bashed the Repugs on many major issues, and he appeared to perform well on talk shows. But Dean was more talk than action. He could not mold the Dems into a cohesive party. In fact, the disarray in the discombobulated Dem party made the party too weak to respond as a collective, aggressive body.

Our country has suffered the most disastrous six years of decision-making in any modern American presidency, but the Dem leadership was too meek to respond, and they simply waited for the misguided Repugs to annihilate themselves, which fortunately they did. Now that the Dems have gained control of Congress, lets hope that their leaders can exert the quality of leadership required to restore them to power and that they don't fall apart before the 2008 elections.

john heileman of the new yorker -
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Reading all of this doom and gloom makes me realize that the Dems do not have a chance in this election. In fact, I am so disillusioned about their chances in the 2006 midterms that I am not even going to vote next Tuesday. It would be a waste of time. The Dems don't have a prayer of winning.

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my opinions are not based on talk radio or fox news. i read myriad sources and determine what i think is an informed opinion. pelosi is a time bomb for the democratic party. IMHO.

OH! Those were your opinions! I thought you were stating proven facts before. But I guess since you couldn't answer my point by point reply to your previous post you've decided now to post someone elses opinions as a sample of where you get your opinions.

...oh, is "pelosi a time bomb" a fact or just another far-right talking point to scare voters? OOPS! It didn't work, did it? :P

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