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Imams kicked off US Airways flight


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Speaking of thanks, I will always be proud of Americans who served the Armed Forces, i couldnt post without you. Thank you Moon man ;)

Please, dont waste time thanking me...thank those other folk that are still there. My time got cut short because of politics. I will go to my grave believeing i didnt finish what i started....but its ok, I have 2 boys that will be going in soon, and hopefully pick up the slack for me ;);)

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You and VicMan don't know what the hell you are talking about. Do some research on the subject. please :rolleyes:

1. What are you referring to? Lack of quotes = I don't know what you are referring to.

2. If you are referring to my previous statement, I was merely asking what he meant.

EDIT: Oh.. so it's a joke. I get it now. :)

Edited by VicMan
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Here's an interesting follow-up to this story. Granted, it's from the Washington Times, but it's worth reading.

Passengers and flight attendants told law-enforcement officials the imams switched from their assigned seats to a pattern associated with the September 11 terrorist attacks and also found in probes of U.S. security since the attacks -- two in the front row first-class, two in the middle of the plane on the exit aisle and two in the rear of the cabin.

"That would alarm me," said a federal air marshal who asked to remain anonymous. "They now control all of the entry and exit routes to the plane."


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Here's an interesting follow-up to this story. Granted, it's from the Washington Times, but it's worth reading.


This is an interesting read. I dont think it was a dry run and i dont think they were doing anything sinister. I do think this could have been a stunt to get attention and possible lawsuits rolling. With the incident i stated above on a flight i was on a few years ago, the passengers WILL NOT TOLERATE another 9-11 style takeover of an airplane. When they got me and the others to assist, i can tell you for a fact i was ready to kick some ass just as the other guys were. When i saw what they were doing, i relaxed. In our lawsuit society, this could be just purely a stunt to get money. Im sure there will be more to come to light over the next days/weeks.

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Well, now we are starting to get the WHOLE story, from eyewitness accounts, that they were chanting even louder as they got on the plane, then they wouldn't sit in their assigned seats, then one of them kept going to the back of the plane to converse with what appeared to be the "head" Imam. They were spread out in a 2 by 2 configuration. 2 in first class, 2 on the side exit doors and 2 at the tail of the plane. They asked for seatbelt extenders when none who asked needed such a device, none were portly or fat, and then once they got them they placed them next to their feet instead of utilizing them for their purpose. It is my belief that they were just doing a "recon" mission to see how far they could go without getting kicked off, so that they can make neccessary adjustments as needed.

So, after they made that movie, Snakes on a Plane, do you think Hollywood is planning a sequel?

Imams on a Plane

That would be what they call a "film short", because all the passengers would clobber the Imams within about 7 minutes, then the other 8 minutes of film would be the plane turning around to land and the Imams being escorted off the plane looking like a bunch of bloodied turds, THE END. Probably go straight to HBO and it would be filler in between Featrue Presentations.

Edited by TJones
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It gets more and more interesting according to this article

Mostafa Tabatabainejad, US Airways Flight 300 to Phoenix and the Myth of Islamic Victimhood

by Jason Hoskin (December 3, 2006)

Islamists have often attempted to portray themselves as victims of aggression and persecution, while obscuring the fact that it is usually they who initiated the use of force. They then make demands which would result in compromising American security against future transgressions. Two recent incidents illustrate the implementation of this victimhood strategy.

The University of California Police Department was recently criticized for its use of force against an allegedly peaceful UCLA student, Mostafa Tabatabainejad, in UCLA

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  • 3 months later...
And now the law suits have begun............

MINNEAPOLIS - Six Islamic leaders who were removed from a US Airways flight in November are suing the airline for discrimination.................


Good for them. File those suits, then there will be a premise after they get thrown out of court. I can see the judge asking the plaintiff's lawyer,

"Ummm, did your clients actually get up from their seats and sit in other peoples seats without authorization ?"

"Yes, judge."

"Were they chanting and making anti-U.S. statements ?"

"Yes, judge."

"Did your clinets ask for seatbelt extenders and fail to use them for their purpose ?"

"Yes, judge."

"Did your clinets refuse to unboard the plane when asked by the authorities ?"

"Yes judge."

"Counselor, did you get your license out of a Cracker Jack box ?"

"Yes, judge."


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  • 3 weeks later...
Now these guys are trying to file suit against the passengers on the plane. I knew this was a stunt. I have a feeling where this will go. US Airways had better not back down!

They probably will simply because it's cheaper to settle then it is to do the right thing.

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They probably will simply because it's cheaper to settle then it is to do the right thing.

Actually, something that isn't being reported on is that the passangers have gotten free legal defense from an Islamic lawyer firm based in Phoenix! They (the firm) says they're going to fight. So I'm sure it's going to be quite interesting.

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