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Rosie Calls Kelly Ripa A Homophobe


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Rosie is clearly not a moron. She is crass, boorish, opinionated and often classless.

But, she is no moron.

Bingo!!! She is clearly no moron, Bi-polar yes, and all the above. But she's gone from a so-so stand up comedian to a multi-millionaire, got give her props on that. I am not a fan of her views but I also am no fan of a lot of peoples views, just as there are a LOT of people who dislike mine. Price of freedom I suppose.

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Gotta disagree with you guys. She's a moron indeed, because had she kept her mouth shut on more than one occassion, she'd still be the darling of daytime television instead of becoming a second rate buffoon on a second rate talk show full of other second rate buffoons. :D

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Gotta disagree with you guys. She's a moron indeed, because had she kept her mouth shut on more than one occassion, she'd still be the darling of daytime television instead of becoming a second rate buffoon on a second rate talk show full of other second rate buffoons. :D

Yeah, that buffoon Barbara Walters is just a flash in the pan... :blink:

If Rosie was just a money-grubbing whore, she would have remained closeted and kept her talk show. Apparently values and integrity matter to her, and I think that's admirable. Although I often disagree with her, I never doubt her sincerity.

On the other hand, Kelly Rippa is as vacuous a little airhead as has ever disgraced the airwaves. Homophobic? Nah. Just prissy and annoying and not terribly bright.

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And is that why so many gay men pretend to have a thing for Judy Garland...so people will think they're straight?

Rosie likes Tom because he's such a Ken doll.

Sure Tex, I'm sure if Tom belted out a renedition of "Over the Rainbow" on Oprah, a few women might question THEIR infacuation with Tom.

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Yeah, that buffoon Barbara Walters is just a flash in the pan... :blink:

If Rosie was just a money-grubbing whore, she would have remained closeted and kept her talk show. Apparently values and integrity matter to her, and I think that's admirable. Although I often disagree with her, I never doubt her sincerity.

On the other hand, Kelly Rippa is as vacuous a little airhead as has ever disgraced the airwaves. Homophobic? Nah. Just prissy and annoying and not terribly bright.

Guess you don't know much about Kelly Ripa?

Barbara Walters, until this season, has rarely been on the show. The only reason she was on so much this season is because the ratings have been so bad with the departure of Star Jones and Meredith Viera. Not that they were that great to begin with.

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So, are you defending Kelly Ripa?

Personally I like her, she's a bit smarter than what she portrays on screen, but not by much.

Rosie I like, but I get a little put off by some of her comments, but like those said by others on this topic, I believe she's sincere about what she says and isn't likely to water down her comments like many of her contemporaries.

Personally, I like the View and Regis and Kelly live!, but they're only TV personalities, no one for me to respect outside of the entertainment industries.

They're job is to entertain and to a certain extent, inform. They're not the perfect people they portray outside of their jobs. None of us are.

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On the other hand, Kelly Rippa is as vacuous a little airhead as has ever disgraced the airwaves. Homophobic? Nah. Just prissy and annoying and not terribly bright.

After hearing her response on the view, i'm giving her more credit now than i did in the past.

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Did Rosie get an invite to the TomKat wedding? If not, do you think she will get revenge by outing Cruise?

I got the impression that the majority of the people that were invited were followers of that Scientology crap or supporters and sympathizers. The more I read the more I get creeped out by the whole Scientology thing. Sounds way too cultist for my tastes and the so called leaders from L. Ron Hubbard to Heber Jentzsch, they all sound like con artists that use that almighty triangle or pyramid as a funnel for the money they rake off their followers.

Alright I jacked the thread I apologize. dbee83e5-1.gif

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Did Rosie get an invite to the TomKat wedding? If not, do you think she will get revenge by outing Cruise?

I would think that Oprah would have more of a beef with TomKat than anyone, after she got snubbed. I was like "WTF ! Tom didn't invite Oprah ? Friggin' OPRAH !" You know Steadman was pissed he has been wanting to go to Europe for years.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, so now Rosie has offended the Chinese populous of this country, and also gone after Donald Trump ! How much longer will Barbara tolerate this or will she just let Rosie finish out her contract and fail to renew ? I personally think Rosie is trying to be a shock jock in order to get ratings up, but you won;t get far dissin' The Don !

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Ok, so now Rosie has offended the Chinese populous of this country, and also gone after Donald Trump ! How much longer will Barbara tolerate this or will she just let Rosie finish out her contract and fail to renew ? I personally think Rosie is trying to be a shock jock in order to get ratings up, but you won;t get far dissin' The Don !

I was listening to the Trumpster this morning and he sounds like he's pissed at the porkster. I wouldn't want to be on that dude's bad side, he could ruin you.

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Ok, so now Rosie has offended the Chinese populous of this country, and also gone after Donald Trump ! How much longer will Barbara tolerate this or will she just let Rosie finish out her contract and fail to renew ? I personally think Rosie is trying to be a shock jock in order to get ratings up, but you won;t get far dissin' The Don !

She is getting the show free advertising, so now people will tune in to see what she does next.

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How much longer will Barbara tolerate this or will she just let Rosie finish out her contract and fail to renew ?
Yeah, Barbara is pissed - all the way to the bank!

I think Barbara and Rosie deserve each other. Walters' credence disappeared, in my opinion, when she did that sob story on that murderer, Jayson Williams. You can't tell me her interview didn't affect the outcome of his trial.

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Ok, so now Rosie has offended the Chinese populous of this country, and also gone after Donald Trump ! How much longer will Barbara tolerate this or will she just let Rosie finish out her contract and fail to renew ? I personally think Rosie is trying to be a shock jock in order to get ratings up, but you won;t get far dissin' The Don !

I heard the View's rating are up 27% this year. Don't think Rosie's going anywhere.

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I heard the View's rating are up 27% this year. Don't think Rosie's going anywhere.

That is about what I expected. The novelty will wear off though. I think the 27% was on Star's being dismissed from the show first, NOT because of Rosie, but now you got Rosie making asinine comments so people tune in to see what she'll do next. People love to watch train wrecks

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I was listening to the Trumpster this morning and he sounds like he's pissed at the porkster. I wouldn't want to be on that dude's bad side, he could ruin you.

Yea, Rosie Cheeks lost her mind by dissin' the Donald for no reason. He did the right thing by the way. People calling Miss USA a role model is an overrated statement. How many people remember Miss USA's name before the drinking incident?

If anything, The Donald should have punished the other 49 contestants for losing to a crackhead. They should be ashamed of themselves, yo. And Rosie just needs to focus on the good things she's been doing for people, like her and her girlfriend adopting kids and taking care of them. She could REALLY help those kids if she were able to figure out a way for her and the kids to fit inside her house at the same time though...

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Just last week Rosy had to say sorry for using the word "ching chong" on TV. What a maroon.

FYI - Rosie supports a Drunk Miss America becuase she was caught getting a little girl-on-girl action with Miss Teen USA.

Google the gossip sights, becuae I ain't providing no link.

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Just last week Rosy had to say sorry for using the word "ching chong" on TV. What a maroon.

FYI - Rosie supports a Drunk Miss America becuase she was caught getting a little girl-on-girl action with Miss Teen USA.

Google the gossip sights, becuae I ain't providing no link.

She blasts Donald and supports the crackhead, Yep, that's about par for the course for her. :wacko: I heard Rosie also tried to sleep with some DJs at one point in er career, but none of the DJs worked for Krispy Kreme so she just couldn't bring herself to do it.

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She blasts Donald and supports the crackhead, Yep, that's about par for the course for her. :wacko: .

Well, respect is a two-way street. If I were on some crack and watched a Rosie film, maybe I'd enjoy it...

I heard Rosie also tried to sleep with some DJs at one point in er career, but none of the DJs worked for Krispy Kreme so she just couldn't bring herself to do it.

Look, it was a bad night at South Beach, alright?! I said Shipley, she said Krispy, and she made me ride Six Flags Magic Rosie. Trump paid me to do it. He wants me to hire RedScare as my lawyer and sue her for emotional distress...

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Did anyone just see Trump on Larry King Live?

Oy vey! It's about time a man acts like a man!

As far as Rosie, she for obvious reasons, does not realize that Miss America and all others sign morality contracts as terms of their crown. It's a legal contract.

Of course, a Gorilla like Rosie has not concept of contrctual obligations.


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Did anyone just see Trump on Larry King Live?

Oy vey! It's about time a man acts like a man!

As far as Rosie, she for obvious reasons, does not realize that Miss America and all others sign morality contracts as terms of their crown. It's a legal contract.

Of course, a Gorilla like Rosie has not concept of contrctual obligations.


There's another Larry King on at 11pm tonight. Will it be the Trump one? Cause if so, I'm taping it >:)

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I heard the View's rating are up 27% this year. Don't think Rosie's going anywhere.

Of course she's not. She brings higher ratings thus a higher revenue share off the advertising. Disney is peeing in their collective pants with glee each time she opens her mouth-and they eat guys like Trump for breakfast.

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