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scary new changes in the earth's eco-system


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You have a problem with a frozen embryo that hasn't even been fertilized being discarded as medical waste

An embryo that hasn't even been fertilized...? :blink:

My, you have a unique take on biology. What kind of fertilizer do you put on your embryos?

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Yes, we are lucky.

RedScare was really on target with his comments. In fact, the places on the planet that have been warming most rapidly are in Siberia and many other of the extreme latitudes. Try telling someone who lives up there that global warming is a bad thing.

There's another debate that is going on amongst economists, entirely seperate from the scientific debate. They make assumptions about the nature of the mean warming trend and try to derive the actual impact on human activities. And generally speaking, if the trend occurs gradually, warmth is good. It's the possibility of an ice age that we should worry about.

A problem with warming in northern climes is that permafrost no longer is permanent. Because frost makes the ground hard enough to support structures and make roads passable, its loss is a disaster for people who live and work in these areas.

To say that there's a positive economic impact is utter crap. Insects and diseases which were previously kept at bay by a colder climate can thrive in (and decimate) northern forests. The same applies to animal life. And at any latitude, droughts and flooding are not condusive to improving conditions, economic or otherwise.

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An embryo that hasn't even been fertilized...? :blink:

My, you have a unique take on biology. What kind of fertilizer do you put on your embryos?

That is unique indeed!

[note to self: alert media; buy stock in Scotts]


Letter: Unfertilized embryos must fight for their absurd rights

Posted: 3/7/06


Pope Benedict VXI recently informed the world that unfertilized embryos have rights.

If one can possibly get past the absurdity of this comment, it has far reaching consequences.

If embryos are people, then they have the same rights as all humans.

If this is so, then they have the right to organize, as do all the people in the world, and the right to a fair day's pay for a fair day's work.

And so, today I declare the unionization of all unfertilized embryos. I herby found the Unified Embryonic Workers Society. This organization will be dedicated to the protection of the right to work that is so dear to unfertilized embryos.

No longer will the shackles of the capitalist society detain the unfertilized embryo from realizing its dreams, its aspirations and its destiny.

Unfertilized embryos of the world unite - you have nothing to lose but your chains.

Will Veeder

UNM staff

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I'm sorry, I meant EGG. An egg that has not been fertilized. Most frozen "embryos" are not that at all--they are generally unfertilized eggs. Embryos, especially from fertility clinics, are used, not discarded. What you are most likely seeing in that little amateur video is cryogenically frozen eggs...ova.

Forgive me? Please? I know it's so rare for me to make a mistake. :D

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Global warming a problem? Who the heck knows? Someone mentioned that temps have been rising for four decades and that signals a trend in global warming. Give me a break, fourty years of warming given the billions of years this planet has been around. Thats not even a blib on the radar screen. The planet has seen much warmer periods and much colder periods but due to the fact that we don't have enough reliable data from the earths history we can't even reliably interpret where we are in the overall cycle. As far as hurricane forecasts go they said this year would be worse than last year and well I guess they missed that one a little. Most of the forecast models are based on the fact that if you have not had a typical year for activity (read average year) then the following year the odds are considerably greater that we will have more and more severe activity the following year. Its the age old belief that you can only dodge the bullet so many times before it drills you between the eyes.

Do we need to find new renewable energy sources? Sure we do. Should we curb pollution? You bet. Should we be a little more friendly to our environment? Every day. Are we causing Global Warming? No one has proved it yet.

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I am highly suspicious of that number. Unfertilized, maybe. Fertilized, I doubt it, and even if it were correct, as I mentioned before--the people who own these eggs and embryos give their full permission to do what they wish. Furthermore, many fertilized eggs are genetically malformed just as they are in nature. I think you have a misunderstood view of IVF clinics and how they work.

The bottom line is twofold: adult stem cells can be tested just as easily and there is no need for any type of embryonic stem cell research. The other part is, if we allow for embryonic stem cell testing, we're going to have cloned humans for the sole purpose of genetic and drug testing soon after.

This is the same reason that this country does not allow testing on aborted fetuses. Though, my suspicion is you probably think that's a-ok. Oh wait, semantics here, you don't argue abortion. After all, it's been around forever. :wacko: Great way to avoid my question on it, though, I'll give you that. :D

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The bottom line is twofold: adult stem cells can be tested just as easily and there is no need for any type of embryonic stem cell research. The other part is, if we allow for embryonic stem cell testing, we're going to have cloned humans for the sole purpose of genetic and drug testing soon after.

The bottom line is twofold: adult stem cells can be tested just as easily and there is no need for any type of embryonic stem cell research. This is still a debatable matter among scientists. Why do you present it as fact?

The other part is, if we allow for embryonic stem cell testing, we're going to have cloned humans for the sole purpose of genetic and drug testing soon after.

Again, a highly debatable assertion that you present as fact. Anyway, the stem cell debate sounds like a new thread to me.

Edited by west20th
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I am highly suspicious of that number. Unfertilized, maybe. Fertilized, I doubt it, and even if it were correct, as I mentioned before--the people who own these eggs and embryos give their full permission to do what they wish. Furthermore, many fertilized eggs are genetically malformed just as they are in nature. I think you have a misunderstood view of IVF clinics and how they work.

The bottom line is twofold: adult stem cells can be tested just as easily and there is no need for any type of embryonic stem cell research. The other part is, if we allow for embryonic stem cell testing, we're going to have cloned humans for the sole purpose of genetic and drug testing soon after.

This is the same reason that this country does not allow testing on aborted fetuses. Though, my suspicion is you probably think that's a-ok. Oh wait, semantics here, you don't argue abortion. After all, it's been around forever. :wacko: Great way to avoid my question on it, though, I'll give you that. :D

In any event, hundreds of thousands of embryos are discarded annually. It's your choice to cling to the falacy that they aren't-which is odd since you claim to be married to a "scientist."

I especially refuse to discuss abortion with people who can only shoot back with an unsubstantiated accusation such as:

Though, my suspicion is you probably think that's a-ok.

In any event, were I to engage in a discussion about stem-cells and abortion, I would take west's suggestion that it be done elsewhere.

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In any event, hundreds of thousands of embryos are discarded annually. It's your choice to cling to the falacy that they aren't-which is odd since you claim to be married to a "scientist."

I especially refuse to discuss abortion with people who can only shoot back with an unsubstantiated accusation such as:

In any event, were I to engage in a discussion about stem-cells and abortion, I would take west's suggestion that it be done elsewhere.

Uh, okay. Wha? :wacko:

You ooze pro-choice. Puhleeze. An accusation? Talk about clinging to fallacies.

BTW, I'd still like to see some factual stats on those numbers you quoted. Until you produce some substantiated evidence, your "source" is a crock of crap, much like the rest of your postings. ;) I see you, yet again, chose not to respond to my statements.

And my "scientist" is a geneticist. One who, surprisingly, is not just a Republican, but a Christian to boot! :D

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Until you produce some substantiated evidence, your "source" is a crock of crap, much like the rest of your postings. ;) I see you, yet again, chose not to respond to my statements.

Wonder if NMain will come back with a whiny "you all pick on me because I'm a liberal/agnostic/homosexual? You don't pick on TJ or Redscare <sniff....sniff>. You don't know how to treat a woman" or something like that. Oh wait. That's something you do. My bad.

Edited by west20th
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Uh, okay. Wha? :wacko:

You ooze pro-choice. Puhleeze. An accusation? Talk about clinging to fallacies.

BTW, I'd still like to see some factual stats on those numbers you quoted. Until you produce some substantiated evidence, your "source" is a crock of crap, much like the rest of your postings. ;) I see you, yet again, chose not to respond to my statements.

And my "scientist" is a geneticist. One who, surprisingly, is not just a Republican, but a Christian to boot! :D

I am absolutely pro-choice. The fact that you seem to be OK with the government telling you what you can or can't do with your body is your issue.

It's not my job to educate you on the facts. All I can do is present them. If you choose to ignore them, that's your choice.

BTW, a person's status as a Republican and/or a Christian is irrelevant to the facts. I think we've been thoughrouly educated on Christian Republican Family Values when it comes to enabling child predators and the use of meth as you pay for male prostitutes. Lectures on the morality of abortion and stem cell research seems rather lame after that.

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Uh, okay. Wha? :wacko:

You ooze pro-choice. Puhleeze. An accusation? Talk about clinging to fallacies.

BTW, I'd still like to see some factual stats on those numbers you quoted. Until you produce some substantiated evidence, your "source" is a crock of crap, much like the rest of your postings. ;) I see you, yet again, chose not to respond to my statements.

And my "scientist" is a geneticist. One who, surprisingly, is not just a Republican, but a Christian to boot! :D

I am absolutely pro-choice. The fact that you seem to be OK with the government telling you what you can or can't do with your body is your issue.

It's not my job to educate you on the facts. All I can do is present them. If you choose to ignore them, that's your choice.

BTW, a person's status as a Republican and/or a Christian is irrelevant to the facts. I think we've been thoughrouly educated on Christian Republican Family Values when it comes to enabling child predators and the use of meth as you pay for male prostitutes. Lectures on the morality of abortion and stem cell research seems rather lame after that.

Oh you two stop it now, or it's off to your beds without dessert!

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Wonder if NMain will come back with a whiny "you all pick on me because I'm a liberal/agnostic/homosexual? You don't pick on TJ or Redscare <sniff....sniff>. You don't know how to treat a woman" or something like that. Oh wait. That's something you do. My bad.

Nobody's whining, but the post above definitely proves that one of us is a pissy bit*h, and I don't think it's me. ^_^ Now go away while the big girls talk.

I am absolutely pro-choice. The fact that you seem to be OK with the government telling you what you can or can't do with your body is your issue.

It's not my job to educate you on the facts. All I can do is present them. If you choose to ignore them, that's your choice.

BTW, a person's status as a Republican and/or a Christian is irrelevant to the facts. I think we've been thoughrouly educated on Christian Republican Family Values when it comes to enabling child predators and the use of meth as you pay for male prostitutes. Lectures on the morality of abortion and stem cell research seems rather lame after that.

Wow, I swear it's like reading a post about someone else. You skew stuff better than professionals do! What is it you do for a living, because if it isn't working for the Dems' Spin Machine, you have missed your calling! :lol: Really, that was great *wiping eyes* :lol:

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It's difficult-if not impossible to have a discussion when one side insists it's emotion based opinion is equal to another's objective research based on scientific study and fact. To ignore evidence that is widely accepted is to display a certain level of intellectual immaturity.

Respected scientists the world over have come to the conclusion human activity is a major cause of global warning. The evidence is available for those that wish to pursue it. In the same vein, world-class researchers, scientists and scholars agree all kinds of stem cell research is medically advantageous. Unfortunately, anti-intellectuals continue to attempt to hold sound science at bay with emotion based political dogma.

All anyone can do is produce the decades of serious scientific study and hope that it penetrates the illogical bias that seem to reside in so many.

Come to think of it, it's like the "big girls" asking the grown-ups to leave the room so they can perpetuate their comfortable myths.

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to be honest, i think that people's capitalist nature will always to do that (spin things one way or the other to gain a competitive or financial advantage).

also, i am sure there will be many companies, housing enclaves, etc. that will benefit.

but just wait ... if these models are true, and there are widespread population changes what is gonna happen when/if millions of people begin migrating to other parts of the world because their lands are too hot, too cold, too dry, or too wet.

you think we had problems with katrina evacuees? you ain't seen nothing yet.

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A problem with warming in northern climes is that permafrost no longer is permanent. Because frost makes the ground hard enough to support structures and make roads passable, its loss is a disaster for people who live and work in these areas.

To say that there's a positive economic impact is utter crap. Insects and diseases which were previously kept at bay by a colder climate can thrive in (and decimate) northern forests. The same applies to animal life. And at any latitude, droughts and flooding are not condusive to improving conditions, economic or otherwise.

There are large portions of the earth that lack permafrost. It snows, then the snow melts in the summer, and the water drains. Repeat. The landscape and geology changes, and people adapt. That is the story of human existence.

Besides, people seem to like warmer environments. Witness the growth of the sunbelt cities of the U.S. As for diseases, the ones that affect humans can largely be gotten around with modern medicine and effective pesticides. The biomes will change, replaced by different ones, many of which will be suitable for agricultural production.

Droughts and flooding are among those aspects of Global Warming that would affect some areas and not others. The folks espousing this stuff really should label it more generally and simply, as "change". That's what it is. Some areas will be more prone to flooding or droughts, and others will be less prone.

How anyone can argue that global warming may be a good thing if it exists at all is nothing short of amazing.

I see stupid people.

I see a person who not only resorts to low-brow ad hominems, but doesn't even have the common courtesy to explain his position.

to be honest, i think that people's capitalist nature will always to do that (spin things one way or the other to gain a competitive or financial advantage).

also, i am sure there will be many companies, housing enclaves, etc. that will benefit.

but just wait ... if these models are true, and there are widespread population changes what is gonna happen when/if millions of people begin migrating to other parts of the world because their lands are too hot, too cold, too dry, or too wet.

you think we had problems with katrina evacuees? you ain't seen nothing yet.

The changes to human civilization that have been caused by advances in medicine and agricultural production, which allowed for our population to grow at an exponential rate during the last few centuries, will have caused a greater migration in terms of the sheer numbers than Global Warming ever could or would. Moreover, as Global Warming occurs so slowly, the migration trends will be much less pronounced or episodic as the Katrina experience, which was a fluke to begin with because there just aren't that many cities within hurricane-prone regions that are below sea level.

If you want to talk about meaningful disasters, talk about tsunamis...not a few degrees of temperature change over the course of a century.

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What cracks me up is that the scientists said a couple of years ago that the big Hurricanes were coming because of El Nino. Now just this past Hurricane season, these same scientists blamed El Nino for keeping this Hurricane season basically non-existent. WHICH IS IT !?

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  • 2 weeks later...

That will exterminated all the wild polar bears and penguins, that is pretty sad, and just imagining all the land we'd lose do to the rising ocean.

I know they mentioned that all of the land near the poles would become temperate and useable for farming and development, but that is not really reassuring considering all the chaos that would occur on the land closer to the equator.

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