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Proper Grammar and Word Usage


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Parrothead starts topics about being offended by Mexicans who fly the Mexican flag. She always seems to be trying to pawn off one of her vast collection of pets she no longer wants to care for. She expresses offense taken at grammar and spelling errors with one of her own. Then, she comes off like a truck stop waitress with fowl language at the slightest provocation.

Can you blame me for having a little fun with her? I think she

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It is so interesting how perspectives can be so screwed up. That's what is so fun about listening to you rant, dal. You sort of live in your own little world and put your own twist on stuff.

I can remember being a kid and trying to weasel my way out of trouble by making up some huge story. My dad would just stare at me after I was finished weaving my crafty little tale and say, "You do not expect me to believe that load of utter bull____?" (oops, sorry--talking like a truck stop something or other) and I have to admit, no, I didn't think he'd believe it, but I had to give it a try anyway.

Wow do you remind me of that kid! :lol:

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It is so interesting how perspectives can be so screwed up. That's what is so fun about listening to you rant, dal. You sort of live in your own little world and put your own twist on stuff.

I can remember being a kid and trying to weasel my way out of trouble by making up some huge story. My dad would just stare at me after I was finished weaving my crafty little tale and say, "You do not expect me to believe that load of utter bull____?" (oops, sorry--talking like a truck stop something or other) and I have to admit, no, I didn't think he'd believe it, but I had to give it a try anyway.

Wow do you remind me of that kid! :lol:

I'm sure you're trying to be clever, but this really doesn't make sense at all. Exactly what "twist" did I put on anything?

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No, proper grammar in that context would be "YOUR".

my bad...i just read your statement "your acting like this" and made the assumption you meant "you're acting like this"

Now that i read TJones' posting i'll have to side with him. He appears to be correct.

Edited by musicman
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my bad...i just read your statement "your acting like this" and made the assumption you meant "you're acting like this"

Now that i read TJones' posting i'll have to side with him. He appears to be correct.

I also agree with TJones. This was my intent.

I suppose that, since you were attempting to correct my grammar, you also feel this way about yourself?

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By the way, here's a question that appeared on a copy editing test for a major daily newspaper in Texas:

"A good copy editder can fine three mistakes in this sentence."

I don't know exactly what the third mistake is, but I have an idea.

"A good Copyeditor can find three mistakes in this sentence"

As a title, Copyeditor is normally used as one word.

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"A good Copyeditor can find three mistakes in this sentence"

As a title, Copyeditor is normally used as one word.

Okay...but I believe it would only be capitalized if preceding a name, according to AP style.

For example:

Thanks go to Copyeditor Joe Smith for catching the error.


Joe Smith, our copyeditor, caught the error.

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Then, she comes off like a truck stop waitress with fowl language at the slightest provocation.

Excuse me if I cluck disapprovingly about this foul spelling, my little chickadee. >:)

There is the possibility that you intended an avian pun on Parrothead's name, but I think that's unlikely.

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Excuse me if I cluck disapprovingly about this foul spelling, my little chickadee. >:)

There is the possibility that you intended an avian pun on Parrothead's name, but I think that's unlikely.

:lol: I am really starting to love this thread now. :wub: It's all kind of silly, isn't it?

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Excuse me if I cluck disapprovingly about this foul spelling, my little chickadee. >:)

There is the possibility that you intended an avian pun on Parrothead's name, but I think that's unlikely.

Actually, that was almost my point. Whatever she called me was edited before I actually got to read it. I think it had something to do with a rooster, though. I should have put it in quotes for clarity.

:lol: I am really starting to love this thread now. :wub: It's all kind of silly, isn't it?

See, I told you it was fun.

Edited by dalparadise
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Actually, I wrote a word that rhymes with sick (and not the whole word, but enough of it to get the message), but I changed it to "jerk" after I mistakenly thought I was being chided for my choice of words. When it was clarified to me that my choice of word wasn't the problem, I just left it alone. :D But you were close--you should still feel proud. ;)

Unless you meant "Jerk Chicken", and then we have a whole other topic right there :lol:

*edited to add* I wish you all could read my avatar better, it's a little small, but it's a dude holding a sign up that says, "Get a Brain! MORANS"

:lol: Makes me laugh my butt off every time I see it.

Edited by Parrothead
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Actually, I wrote a word that rhymes with sick (and not the whole word, but enough of it to get the message), but I changed it to "jerk" after I mistakenly thought I was being chided for my choice of words. When it was clarified to me that my choice of word wasn't the problem, I just left it alone. :D But you were close--you should still feel proud. ;)

Unless you meant "Jerk Chicken", and then we have a whole other topic right there :lol:

*edited to add* I wish you all could read my avatar better, it's a little small, but it's a dude holding a sign up that says, "Get a Brain! MORANS"

:lol: Makes me laugh my butt off every time I see it.

I got it...with all the talk of being hung going around, I mixed the posts together and assumed you went for "coque," as the French say. I didn't really think the one that rhymes with "sick" was considered offensive, so it never occurred to me that Subdude would ask you to change it. Hell, they even say that on primetime TV...unless you're talking about the one that starts with "pr". That's still illegal, I think. I'm not sure.

I'm sure I'll be hung for even saying that much.

(Note: I meant to misuse "hung" for effect)

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Okay...but I believe it would only be capitalized if preceding a name, according to AP style.

For example:

Thanks go to Copyeditor Joe Smith for catching the error.


Joe Smith, our copyeditor, caught the error.

You are correct in that regard. I was merely pointing out the third error in question: that copyeditor is a one word title.

C'mon, dal! How much more blatint...blatent...I mean blatant do I need to be?


Edited by nmainguy
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So, since we can't use medical terms for human appendages, THIS is what I drive, west.


Sorry Sev, he made me do it !

I know. I just thought I'd perpetuate the "myth" about small appendages and large pick-up trucks. Actually I'm kind of jealous. I had a '60's classic a few years ago and sold it. Still haven't replaced it yet.

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As a title, Copyeditor is normally used as one word.

Checking The American Heritage Dictionary, the definition reads as follows:

copyedit tr. v. -ited, -iting, -its. To correct and prepare (a manuscript, for example) for typesetting and printing. -copy editor.

There is no listing for 'copyeditor'. 'Copyreader' is listed as one word, as is 'copyholder'; however, copy boy is listed as two words.

Typing in the word 'Copyeditor', 'copyholder' or 'copyreader' also triggers the spell check function of the Mozilla Firefox browser, for what that's worth. It appears that spelling 'copy editor' as one word or two, capitalized or not, is more a matter of style than a hard-and-fast rule.

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It appears that spelling 'copy editor' as one word or two, capitalized or not, is more a matter of style than a hard-and-fast rule.

True. I was just pointing out the error in the sentence. If you DO use Google as a guide, here's one of many entries that use the word "copyeditor"

A Writer's Guide to Understanding the CopyeditorMany copyeditors prefer to spell the word "copyeditor. ... The freelance copyeditor gets two or three weeks to prepare a manuscript. ...

www.sfwa.org/writing/copyed.htm - Similar pages

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