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Cinder Block Construction On Algregg St.

Guest Malvoe

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Right now it looks like a transmission repair shop. What's with the jailhouse windows? Maybe they're into privacy and the back will make up for the front glasswise.

I imagine it would be quieter (nice) and definitely sturdier though, but doesn't concrete sweat in our climate?

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...the perfect house for the conspicuous drug dealer and/or gangbanger with a penchant for minimalist bling. :P

If a drug dealer's think a cinder block house is gonna protect them then they are living in a fantasy world. I have a 25-06 Custom made Rifle with a German action that will go through one side of the house and out the other. :ph34r:

Edited by Marty
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Right now it looks like a transmission repair shop. What's with the jailhouse windows? Maybe they're into privacy and the back will make up for the front glasswise.

Nope. Only one window in the back.

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If a drug dealer's think a cinder block house is gonna protect them then they are living in a fantasy world. I have a 25-06 Custom made Rifle with a German action that will go through one side of the house and out the other. :ph34r:

Yeah, but how did you plan on hitting them? 'Spray and pray' doesn't work very well with bolt action rifles.

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i had dreamed up something a little worse than what the pictures depict, but still...!

i would say that from really far away (and perhaps if one was nearsighted sans glasses) it would look sort of midcentury with the roof tilt and minimal front-facing windows - that being said, it also could appear to be a cinderblock-reinforced cardboard home :blush:

I agree.

Being a fan of mcm and contemporary mod, I would say I like this house much better than that faux Tuscan, bright mustard stucco some jerk defaced the Blvd with and is now selling less than a year later.

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  • 6 months later...
I'm sure the people in the adjoining bungalow are thrilled having that next door.

Actually, they are.

Several of you need a lesson in manners.

Some of you need a lesson in architecture and style.

Some of you need a lesson in construction.

Someone is building that house to live in. They are my brother and his wife. Your comments are purposefully hurtful. That shows your intellectual capacity, maturity, and lack of foresight. He is a lot bigger than you. Fortunately for you, he has a good sense of humor. :D I will be very cross with you, if you have hurt her feelings. I doubt you have, as I am sure she realizes what small minded people some of you are.

Architecturally, the exterior is more of an industrial style, inside quasi loft. The lack of windows is a personal choice, and is a bit of a privacy issue. The lots are small and you are close to the street and neighbors. The street facing windows are high, reminiscent of some Frank Lloyd Wright designs or mid-century modern. They provide light and maintain privacy. Residential construction code sets requirements for egress from bedrooms. Some of you strike me as architectural snobs with no sense of adventure. While it is not the house I would/did build, I respect them building the house they want and that fits their style. It is sad you have nothing better to do with your life than criticize someone else's home on the internet. Post you house up for criticism!

The house is not "cinder block". It is reinforced concrete block. The components and strength are very different. As someone noted, concrete block is a good construction method for Houston. It is very common in Florida, where they are subject to hurricanes and termites, as well. By the way, there is a front door on the street side.

The world is a very small place, try to be nice. The world is watching. :ph34r:

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Several of you need a lesson in manners.

Some of you need a lesson in architecture and style.

Some of you need a lesson in construction.

My mother and my boss told me that once.

Someone is building that house to live in. They are my brother and his wife. Your comments are purposefully hurtful. That shows your intellectual capacity, maturity, and lack of foresight. He is a lot bigger than you. Fortunately for you, he has a good sense of humor. :D I will be very cross with you, if you have hurt her feelings. I doubt you have, as I am sure she realizes what small minded people some of you are.

Sure, living in the house wearing rose tinted glasses, I would say that too. but show me a cinder block house that's looks halfway good.

Edited by Marty
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To me, "good architecture" is not only about the design of the structure, as an independent unit, but also about how the structure complements or embraces its surrounding elements. The Algregg "reinforced concrete block" house clearly fails in this regard, even with a scuzzy Fiesta anchoring one end of that street. Were this house built on a huge lot in the desert outside Tucson, I may view it differently, but, where it sits now, among early 20th century bungalows and somewhat respectful McVictorians, I consider it to be in very poor taste.

I have some good friends who live a couple houses down from this house. They hate it, and all of their neighbor's hate it too -- I understand one even went so far as to contact the Heights Association to try to stop construction on this house.

Good luck to your brother at next year's Neighbor's Night Out party.

Edited by cwrm4
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i have some construction photos - i'll try to locate them (edit - can only find one, and the file is corrupted :huh: )

so the house in the background is for sale, and the house in the foreground has a sign, too...hm

and i like the handwritten "715 algregg" sign out front...adds a nice touch

Edited by sevfiv
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Wow. It just keeps getting worse and worse. The sign is a great touch, but what I like better is the section of block to the left of the garage (where the gutter runs down) that was installed facing the wrong way....or maybe they just used the wrong block....but either way it doesn't have the same texture as the rest of the wall. LOL

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...but what I like better is the section of block to the left of the garage (where the gutter runs down) that was installed facing the wrong way....or maybe they just used the wrong block....but either way it doesn't have the same texture as the rest of the wall. LOL

What they did is face the textured side toward the garage, I would assume to create a completed look to the facade of the house.

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I suppose none of you have ever been involved in construction. Otherwise, you would know that it is common to place a sign on the property with the address written on it, so that contractors can easily find the jobsite. Way to show how little you really know. <_<

I applaud this couple for doing something different. They could have put up the usual "Victorian" which is not even Victorian. Instead, they built to please themselves.

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Wow, I'm just glad it's not next door to me. To be realistic if they ever want to sell it will be difficult to find a buyer AND likewise the same is true for the houses next door. While I'm sure someone would like to live in that house it's a very niche market, and most people who invest a significant amount in a single family home also would not want to be next door to it either, sucks for the immediate neighbors value. Most buyers in the area have the expectation that all of these types of structures will be gone shortly so I doubt many buyers would like to see a new cinder block buildings go in next door. There are a lot of creative, original houses in the area that I love, but cinder block just really isn't interesting. I'm not trying to put down the owners of this house, taste is very unique to individuals, but I'm just being practical by saying I'm glad it's not next door to me.

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The house isn't as bad as I thought it would be.

That said, I HATE seeing a wide drive way and a garage facing the street. One of the best things about the Heights is the front porch/welcoming/neighborly culture that comes from houses that greet the street. This one turns it's back to it. I understand modern necessities, but this alone makes this house a failure in my eyes.

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I suppose none of you have ever been involved in construction. Otherwise, you would know that it is common to place a sign on the property with the address written on it, so that contractors can easily find the jobsite. Way to show how little you really know. <_<

I applaud this couple for doing something different. They could have put up the usual "Victorian" which is not even Victorian. Instead, they built to please themselves.

To clarify, they are do not appear to be living there yet. The cars were either contractors or people just parking there.

As for the house itself, I'm reserving opinion. I had hoped to see the house in a far more completed state than it was when the January pics were posted. You're right, Red, it's not a Mctorian. Additionally, is more in scale with the neighborhood than a Mctorian. Also, I applaud them for selling the bungalow for moving. However, it has a roof that can be seen from space and a fa

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I suppose none of you have ever been involved in construction. Otherwise, you would know that it is common to place a sign on the property with the address written on it, so that contractors can easily find the jobsite. Way to show how little you really know. <_<

I applaud this couple for doing something different. They could have put up the usual "Victorian" which is not even Victorian. Instead, they built to please themselves.

oh no! i thought the stickers above the door did that...my bad!!! (and for me, i know zip about construction/job sites)

Edited by sevfiv
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Someone is building that house to live in. They are my brother and his wife. Your comments are purposefully hurtful. That shows your intellectual capacity, maturity, and lack of foresight. He is a lot bigger than you. Fortunately for you, he has a good sense of humor. :D I will be very cross with you, if you have hurt her feelings. I doubt you have, as I am sure she realizes what small minded people some of you are.
This thread has nothing to do with hurting your brother, or his wife's, feelings. This thread is about a concrete-block (thanks Red for the correction below) home that sticks out like a sore thumb in one of Houston's most traditional, and architecturally significant neighborhoods. No one here would give two thoughts to a home like that going up off of Washington, east of downtown in the Warehouse district, the 4th ward, or perhaps even Midtown.
Some of you strike me as architectural snobs with no sense of adventure. While it is not the house I would/did build, I respect them building the house they want and that fits their style. It is sad you have nothing better to do with your life than criticize someone else's home on the internet. Post you house up for criticism!
I don't understand what's so adventurous about building an ugly, out of place home? Heres a picture of mine if you like:


Sure I live in a suburban hell. Yes I live in a cookie-cutter, in a subdivision that is most certainly the product of sprawl. At least my home is of the same style as the other homes. Let's see some other HAIF member homes while we're at it.

The world is a very small place, try to be nice. The world is watching. :ph34r:
Obviously the world is watching, just by proof of this thread about your brother's ugly house. Edited by Jeebus
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