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Guest Marty

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Legos! Best toy of all time!

Oh, and of course, I must not fail to mention my various science kits, telescopes, microscopes, insect nets, and gear, etc. Oh, and of course, my PC ;)

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Yes, I had the 300 in 1 electronics kit. In fact it was a favorite for several months and led to more elaborate projects that I'd build from scratch components on a breadboard. Tripwire alarms hooked up to pezzo buzzers and lights were a favorite.

It's probably a good thing that I didn't know what an electric match was.

I was digging though some of my dads old stuff and found a Project Board Power supply from Radio Shack me and my pop's built in the early 1980's.

Cant forget about drawing building's on a Etch A Sketch.

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I think they were called K'Nex. Little plastic girders to make a frame of a building, and then you would snap on plastic exterior panels to make a skyscraper or whatever. Even as a kid I had architecture fantasies! :D <<'Subdude'

That sounds like the Kenner Girder and Panel sets (that was the name of them) from the late 50s, early 60s. They came in different sizes and like Erector sets, you could build certain things with each set. I deal in vintage toys on the side and had one of those sets a few years ago, thought it was a pretty cool toy.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Marty

Does anybody remember a Japanese show that channel 8 did reruns in the early 1980's. It was similar to the Godzilla movies. I think it was called Ultra Man? He had a Gold suit on head to toe and he flew with one arm strait ahead and the other by his side.

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Does anybody remember a Japanese show that channel 8 did reruns in the early 1980's. It was similar to the Godzilla movies. I think it was called Ultra Man? He had a Gold suit on head to toe and he flew with one arm strait ahead and the other by his side.

Ultraman was real popular around 1974-75 I can never forget one show where he chopped off the tail of another monster and the tail was smashing up all of the busines district! Just flipping & flopping! seemed to go on forever! Still traumatized! Ultraman used to also squirt water out of his hand to turn out huge midtown fires. I bet the actor is aged-boozed up & slumped over in a bar as we speak! Probably never lived it down. Astroboy was shown afterward, another real parculiar toon. Now I'm scared. :(

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Legos & Tinkertoys for me,

but I cant think how disturbed we must have been to get our cool metal train sets have them circle the track then EXPLODE them with real black cat firecracker's! Just like Uncle Fester used to on Addams Family.

Sometimes we would make a bomfire in a ditch and burn our sister's dolls heads on a stick especially the Miss's Beasley doll in effigy ! We would be chanting something "witchy" and go in circles.

Wow no wonder our neighbors slammed the doors on us at Halloween time!

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I loved my Etch a Sketch, Slinky, my brothers b b gun, Light Brite, Odd Ogg, Pogo Stick, Jig Saw Puzzles, Feely Meely, Kabash, chemistry set and especially my first bicycle with a banana seat. But above all else... I loved the box my grandmothers new refrigerator came in. It was a playhouse for a while and then I cut it longways and ruined many a pair of socks running and sliding on it.

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Legos! Those were the best. All my old Lego sets are still at Mom and Dad's house in the closet of my childhood bedroom. I really should get them out and bring them to Houston.

I also had an awesome model train set. And of course the bike ranked up there pretty high too, since it was my mode of transportation around the neighborhood.

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Legos! Those were the best. All my old Lego sets are still at Mom and Dad's house in the closet of my childhood bedroom. I really should get them out and bring them to Houston.

I also had an awesome model train set. And of course the bike ranked up there pretty high too, since it was my mode of transportation around the neighborhood.

Anything Barbie, anything to play in the sand with, and my Water Wiggle!

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I was in the 5th grade at St Mary's Parochial School in Galveston and daydreamed of a Matell Vacu-form.. I finally got one for Christmas and played with it for months and months.. The problem is that I can't remember what I made with it.. I know I put hard plastic sheets in it and closed the top and it made stuff.. but mostly I remember the fumes (most likely toxic).. I can still imagine the smell of the plastic melting to this day.. It was probably making me high..lol vacuform.gif


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I loved Creepy Crawlers. You poured plastic goo into a mold with shapes of bugs, and then cooked in on a hot plate.

Ah, the good old days! Creepy Crawlers, wood burning sets, Incredible Edibles, Easy-Bake Ovens, chemistry sets with alcohol burners, Vac-U-Forms...my brother had a small steam engine which ran on Sterno.

Were our parents hoping we'd get burned?

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Anything Barbie, anything to play in the sand with, and my Water Wiggle!

Water Wiggle! Wow I miss mine. If I found it I would still take it outside and play with it in front of my neighbors! I recall my cousins having a new slip & slide. I really recall it hurting so much when your butt would hit it as you starting sliding, ouch! We must have got more bruises then fun.

I remember my Mr Potatoe Head collection. Every time I went to the toy dept there was a new character potatoehead (friends) popping up. I recall a Mr Carrot and a Ms Potatoe head. Once I lost the plastic potatoe but only had the inserts left so I grabbed a real potatoe my mom had handy and I inserted the nose and eyes, etc each broke as I tried to make a new REAL Mr Potatoe! Bad results. :P

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Spirograph was a bit frustrating to those of us lacking basic hand-eye coordination. :blush: I would always mess it up.

One of my neighbors had this thing where you would put a piece of paper on a spinner inside a plastic frame, and then squirt paint on it as it spun. The result was strange blobby spun paint pictures.

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Spirograph was a bit frustrating to those of us lacking basic hand-eye coordination. :blush: I would always mess it up.

One of my neighbors had this thing where you would put a piece of paper on a spinner inside a plastic frame, and then squirt paint on it as it spun. The result was strange blobby spun paint pictures.

I still have my spirograph that I got when I was in St Josephs hospital when I was 11 and had fallen out of a tree. The only things missing are the pushpins and the pens. I still cant use that thing.

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Spirograph was a bit frustrating to those of us lacking basic hand-eye coordination. :blush: I would always mess it up.

One of my neighbors had this thing where you would put a piece of paper on a spinner inside a plastic frame, and then squirt paint on it as it spun. The result was strange blobby spun paint pictures.

My brothers and I would make a "city" with blocks and then I would shout... Now! and my little brother would

act like he was Godzilla and slowly crush and kick and knock down the buildings like in the movies. I was quite dramatic to us! cool fun.


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  • 5 months later...
Ahoy!, Me favorite toy were me Pound Puppies arrr!~ ;)

I remember seeing them at Toys R Us :ph34r: , they came with there own dog house. arrrrr


I had a lot of these when I was a kid.


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