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Hyatt Regency Hotel At 1200 Louisiana St.


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I looked up the Hyatt Regency hotel on Orbitz.com. I saw the one in Houston and the one in Dallas. The picture of the one in Dallas looked huge, so I thought it was bigger than the one in Houston. But a co-worker of mine told me that both hotels are about the same size. She said that she stayed in both of them. The only picture of the one I saw in Houston just showed the front entrance. That's what made me think it was smaller than Big Ds. Have any of you ever stayed in one or both of those hotels?

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The one in Dallas might be larger but they are both huge. Before the Hilton Americas opened up, I believe the Hyatt was the largest hotel in Houston with 977 rooms. That said, Dallas' is larger at around 1100 rooms. Although the pic you saw only had the entrance, it is a 30 floor hotel with an open atrium tht looks down on the lobby.

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The one in Dallas might be larger but they are both huge. Before the Hilton Americas opened up, I believe the Hyatt was the largest hotel in Houston with 977 rooms. That said, Dallas' is larger at around 1100 rooms. Although the pic you saw only had the entrance, it is a 30 floor hotel with an open atrium tht looks down on the lobby.

The picture I saw might have been on Hotels.Com instead of Orbitz.Com. The picture of the one in Dallas showed about four or five black-colored glass buildings which descended. They were next to what is called Reunion Tower. The picture was taken from a distance, but the one in Houston was taken of just the front entrance which made me think that it was smaller.

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Yes, these are the exact photos that I was referring to. I guess that there are too many other tall buildings surrounding the Houston Hyatt Regency to be able to take a photo of it from a distance so that one can see its actual size like the Dallas photo does. Like I said, that's why I assumed the one in Big D was larger.

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Just read where Houston's Hyatt is undergoing major renovations. With that huge atrium it isn't for the faint of heart. :D There was a time when Hyatt Houston was going to incorporate the defunct Sheraton across the street and almost double its size. However, with all the new hotels that popped up in downtown Houston since 2000, I think that plan went south. I like the Hyatt, though. But the Spindletop has been surrounded by skyscrapers, so the view isn't what it used to be.

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On New Years Eve a couple years ago, a woman fell from from one of the floors inside... If I remember correctly.

Great Hotel, I love the giant cheesy chandeliiers they have on the second floor that crosses above the main entrance. It has been a while, but I remember on the top 2 floors, the ceiling is panelled in a relfective gold, and the sitting area by the elevators were nice.

I always found it odd when swimming in the pool (on the 6th... or 7th floor), if you stompted your heels on the bottom of it, you could hear it echo. It was annoying how some of the window views were obstructed because the walls on the right stuck out further then the left. Kinda a cornered, umcomfortable feeling.

But the view from the elevators facing in, and out were always my favorite feature.

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On New Years Eve a couple years ago, a woman fell from from one of the floors inside... If I remember correctly.

Great Hotel, I love the giant cheesy chandeliiers they have on the second floor that crosses above the main entrance. It has been a while, but I remember on the top 2 floors, the ceiling is panelled in a relfective gold, and the sitting area by the elevators were nice.

I always found it odd when swimming in the pool (on the 6th... or 7th floor), if you stompted your heels on the bottom of it, you could hear it echo. It was annoying how some of the window views were obstructed because the walls on the right stuck out further then the left. Kinda a cornered, umcomfortable feeling.

But the view from the elevators facing in, and out were always my favorite feature.

Yeah, I remember that horrible thing where the woman decided to play batman. But the walls in that hotel, well, you have to tip toe to see over. So obviously it was alcohol or sumpin' that made her feel she could fly down to the first floor. I think they should tear those half walls down and put in glass (top to bottom) so there would be no jumpin'. It is a pretty awesome view though. The glass elevators are totally cool. B)

Edited by houstonfella
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I had a training class in this hotel the other day. The atrium is nice, but it sure smells like a hotel.

Why do some hotels always smell like hotels?

Last month the Hyatt Regency advertised a New Year's Eve "package" that consisted of a room, meal in the restaurant, drinks in the bar, party hats, horns, etc. If I had lived in Houston I would have tried to buy one. It sounds like it might have been fun.

I haven't been inside hotels enough to discern whatever distinctive aroma they might have.

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Just read where Houston's Hyatt is undergoing major renovations. With that huge atrium it isn't for the faint of heart. :D There was a time when Hyatt Houston was going to incorporate the defunct Sheraton across the street and almost double its size.

What renovations are happening to the Hyatt?

At one time, I happended to kind of "stumble on" the plans for the Sheraton redesign and incorporation into the Hyatt, but I didn't have the nerve to take them. Too bad it never happened. There would have been a skybridge over Louisiana connecting the two buildings. A portion of the Sheraton building would have been devoted to corporate housing, ie longer term rentals.

I've always thought the Hyatt has a great bar.

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Subdude, I read somewhere and I don't even remember, but it was recent, that downtown Houston's Hyatt was going to get a makeover. I'd think rooms, common areas and maybe even some outside updating. It hasn't been long since it did get renovated. But that industry is cutthroat. Gotta stay at the top of the totem pole. Besides, it is a great hotel that is smack dab in the middle of the City.

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The glass-enclosed room overlooking the lobby on the second floor near the top of the escalators.

Sounds kind of like that double mirror restroom that you have pictures of under another topic. But at least you'd have privacy when you think everyone can see you. But what you're talking about there at the Hyatt Regency sounds like a nice place to have a drink.

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The Bar in the lobby is nice, when I first stayed there (I was very young, one of the first times in Houston) I would walk around everywhere. The staircases always gave me the creeps.

I guess I can't even begin to fathom things like this because I've never had money. Rooms at places like the Hyatt Regency, Four Seasons, Derek, etc., costs a minimum of about $200 a night!

I didn't mean it like that, and I think the ceiling is just a gold tinted metal, not really gold.

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The Bar in the lobby is nice, when I first stayed there (I was very young, one of the first times in Houston) I would walk around everywhere. The staircases always gave me the creeps.

I didn't mean it like that, and I think the ceiling is just a gold tinted metal, not really gold.

That's why the period of 1890-1920 was called The Gilded Age. Everyone wanted to look like they were wealthy when a lot of them weren't.

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That's why the period of 1890-1920 was called The Gilded Age. Everyone wanted to look like they were wealthy when a lot of them weren't.

Well I'm flattered you think either (I'm that old) or the Hyatt is that old?

Anyways, I was pointing out that certain aspects of the Hotel are in need of rennovation.

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does that mean Dallas and Dallasites are stuck in in the early 1900's? :)

Conservatives usually are. You always here them saying: "We need to get back to this, we need to get back to that." Dallas has many wealthy people, like the Ewings. A sign in Virginia: "Welcome to Lynchburg, home of the Moral Majority. Set your watches back 200 years."

I guess that I'm part of the Immoral Minority.

Well I'm flattered you think either (I'm that old) or the Hyatt is that old?

Anyways, I was pointing out that certain aspects of the Hotel are in need of rennovation.

I said that in response to Subdude saying that the ceiling in Houston's Hyatt Regency Hotel is not real gold. That means that it has a Gilded Ceiling.

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I said that in response to Subdude saying that the ceiling in Houston's Hyatt Regency Hotel is not real gold. That means that it has a Gilded Ceiling.

Eh... gilded means covered with gold, or it can also mean as though covered with gold... doesn't mean that it's not gold per se. I think the gilded age is generally considered as having been called so because it was really more about style than substance (doesn't mean it was cheap by any means; have a look at some of the older buildings in Miami for instance). That being said, the ceiling at the Hyatt IS gilded regardless of whether it's covered in gold or something else that looks like gold, probably not just in the literal but also in that figurative sense. But saying so doesn't make your point ;)

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Eh... gilded means covered with gold, or it can also mean as though covered with gold... doesn't mean that it's not gold per se. I think the gilded age is generally considered as having been called so because it was really more about style than substance (doesn't mean it was cheap by any means; have a look at some of the older buildings in Miami for instance). That being said, the ceiling at the Hyatt IS gilded regardless of whether it's covered in gold or something else that looks like gold, probably not just in the literal but also in that figurative sense. But saying so doesn't make your point ;)

Well, who am I? I certainly don't know everything like Rush Limbaugh claims to (that's why I've stopped listening to KTRH from 11-2). Yes, the Hyatt Regency just might have more substance than style. But I'll never experience that unless I stay in one of them someday. And I don't see that happening unless I win a lottery.

Hyatt Regency most likely has a history behind. I'll try to find out how far back it goes. It might go back to the Gilded Age.

Eh... gilded means covered with gold, or it can also mean as though covered with gold... doesn't mean that it's not gold per se. I think the gilded age is generally considered as having been called so because it was really more about style than substance (doesn't mean it was cheap by any means; have a look at some of the older buildings in Miami for instance). That being said, the ceiling at the Hyatt IS gilded regardless of whether it's covered in gold or something else that looks like gold, probably not just in the literal but also in that figurative sense. But saying so doesn't make your point ;)

In addition to regular photos, Hotels.com & Orbitz.com have some good "virtual tours" of the Hyatt Regencys in both Houston and Dallas.

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  • 4 months later...

I heard an interesting rumor this week:

Was talking to someone who mentioned that there are two rumors going on about the old Sheraton location. One is that the Hyatt is in negotiations to buy the old sheraton to expand the amount of rooms it has and having an additional expansion over Louisiana street. The other possibility is that they ARE going to do a conversion of that property in some sort of residential space.

I have mentioned about 6 months ago that I saw some people taking a very casual survey of the exterior of the Hyatt DT and then a few weeks later a more detailed survey. So there might be some truth, but at this moment it's all speculation.

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