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Anna Nicole Smith Dead


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This was such a shock to me. I still can't believe it. She was only 39 years old. Just before her death she gave birth to a baby girl, then shortly after that her 20 year old son died of drug overdoce. Yesterday her mon gave an exclusive interview with KTRK ABC 13. She talked about how she would always tell Anna not to get in the wrong crowd and to do the right thing. She also talked about how she would have to pull Anna out opf Stripping Clubs. Anna's mother is worried about the baby in the Bahamahs. Knowone knows who the father is. This whole situation is very sad to me. Who would have ever thought she would die at this young of an age. You just never know when your time is.

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This whole situation is very sad to me. Who would have ever thought she would die at this young of an age. You just never know when your time is.

That, or if someone gave you a dose of something you didn't need. This whole thing is real strange. I smell a small conspiracy. First her son and now her...something is up.

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My guess is that the final report from the M.E. will list "death due to complications from liposuction surgery", which would definitely be a sad way for anyone to go. A.N.S. always appeared outrageous and comical to me; she seemed like a total embodiment of the "id" from Freud. She wanted what she wanted, when she wanted it, and she didn't care what anyone thought about it. Another over-the-top Texas personality to bite the dust. R.I.P.

Edited by pineda
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My guess is that the final report from the M.E. will list "death due to complications from liposuction surgery", which would definitely be a sad way for anyone to go. A.N.S. always appeared outrageous and comical to me; she seemed like a total embodiment of the "id" from Freud. She wanted what she wanted, when she wanted it, and she didn't care what anyone thought about it. Another over-the-top Texas personality to bite the dust. R.I.P.

Has anyone explained why A.N.S. had a private nurse on duty? Most healthy 30-somethings travel without medical personnel at the ready. pinda just may be on to something...

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My guess is that the final report from the M.E. will list "death due to complications from liposuction surgery", which would definitely be a sad way for anyone to go. A.N.S. always appeared outrageous and comical to me; she seemed like a total embodiment of the "id" from Freud. She wanted what she wanted, when she wanted it, and she didn't care what anyone thought about it. Another over-the-top Texas personality to bite the dust. R.I.P.


A little something to make Pineda smile :) Rosie O'Donnel was talking about Anna Nicole one morning, and a couple hours later, A.N.S. dies. Talk about bad luck, yo...

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Has anyone explained why A.N.S. had a private nurse on duty? Most healthy 30-somethings travel without medical personnel at the ready. pinda just may be on to something...

........or why her personal doctor was called out the day before ? I am with you, very strange.

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Mark F. Barnes:

Late Husband's Sperm May Have Impregnated Smith!


Maury couldn't script it this good!

They said yesterday that that was confirmed a hoax.

I can hardly wait for the movie. They are already talking movie deal.

I predict a CBS movie of the week for November sweeps.

I wonder who will play Anna.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I fell very bad for Anna's mon Virgie Arthur throughout this whole situation. It;s her daughter who died. She should have the say so on everything. The body should be buried right hear in Houston not the Bahanahs. I think she should also get the rights to the baby. This whole case is being blown out of proportion if you ask me.

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Virgie Aurthur is out for the money. She's had no relationship with her daughter for years. You ought to see the documentry "Dark Roots" it will introduce you to the family Anna Nicole sold her soul and body to get away from. That bunch outin Mexia, Texas are nothing but white trash, living on welfare and popping OxyContin ("hillbilly heroin") like they're M&M's. Mom is no better, she had nothing to do with Anna until there is some money involved. That baby stands to inheirit several million dollars if not more if the Billionaire ordeal ever got settled in her favor. Mom need to take her but back to her trailer park and leave well enough alone. She's just looking for a meal ticket.

Look for "Dark Roots: The Unauthorized Anna Nicole" (2003 TV documentary), It was done by Showtime, I'm sure it will pop up again with this three ring circus going on and on and on and on.

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This is getting weird :huh: I am glad that I'm not a dead Hollywood corpse :unsure: I think laying ''The God Father of Soul'' James Brown to rest would be a good ideal also. 12-25-2006. :blink: Just a suggestion ;)

Edited by Marty
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This is getting weird :huh: I am glad that I'm not a dead Hollywood corpse :unsure: I think laying ''The God Father of Soul'' James Brown to rest would be a good ideal also. 12-25-2006. :blink: Just a suggestion ;)

All tht I have to say on this topic is that it is very , very sad when a parent loses a chid, and TRAGic just TRAGIC, when an infant loses a parent. No matter who they are, how much money they have, or how many drugs they did.

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Guest Marty
I heard she had the Flu.

I heard on the radio news broadcast today that Pneumonia is likely the cause of her death. I am glad that they are going to lay her to rest in a decent manor sooner than later unlike they are doing to James Brown.

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  • 2 weeks later...
OJ Simpson has now come forward and said that he may be the father..............

He said it as a tasteless joke. "Slow moving sperm...." in reference to their last Naked Gun movie together. He apparently was hinting towards the fact that he himself had "Tapped" Anna Nicole at some point back then. He's just a typical double murdering idiot, talking out of his arse. Why can't O.J. have a fanatic stalker, or at least a lawyer to give him an overdose? The world just ain't fair.

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OJ Simpson has now come forward and said that he may be the father..............

When I was in the ticket line I could see these others in line...


The Pope

Pee Wee Herman


Green Bay Packers

Sponge Bob

Bozo the Clown

lost count after that!

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