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will there ever be a nice hardware store here in midtown? or do we always have to drive to the one near bellaire.

There's also a Lowes and Home Depot on 45 south at 610 which is pretty close. Not sure that I'd want a hardware superstore in Midtown. That's the kind of thing that belongs in the burbs. It would be nice to have a small local hardware store though, like a True value or Ace, as long as it's not a strip-mall style building.

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I prefer smaller stores like Southland because they're faster to get in and out of and the employees do seem to be a lot more knowledgeable. I also like being able to buy items in bulk that the box boxes only carry in packages, such as some nails and screws. Of course I may also be biased, as my family owns an Ace Hardware store in a small town and I grew up working in the business. But even now I try to go to stores like Southland and even Bering's over going to Home Depot or Lowe's.

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I remember that Sugarland had a small hardware store about 10 years ago- it was called Wagner's hardware. It was a nice place to run to when you needed a quick part or something, and you didn't have to stand in line for a long time. It was located next to the Half Price bookstore. They closed,though, thanks to the Home Depot that opened about a mile away...

If anything, Midtown needs nice little hardware stores like that, and not a massive sprawl-box to cater to the needs of the surrounding suburbia. Somewhere where you go to buy a pack of nails, or a pipe, or a flowerpot- not somewhere where you buy a stove set, and a 36 pack of Begonias. A small garden center WOULD be nice, though, if balcony gardens become popular.

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A small garden center WOULD be nice, though, if balcony gardens become popular.

The Sears at Main and Wheeler might have a limited selection of gardening supplies; I agree that there's a market for window-box gardeners.

BTW, what's the deal with those stores (I think they're called Houston Garden Center) that have full page advertisments, but never list an address, a phone # or a website? Great deals! but where the hell are you? Tried looking them up in the phone book, and no one answered...

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Remember...there used to be a hardware store on Elgin (between Fannin and Main, on the southside) which is now a carwash...it went out of business a couple years ago. That was a great place - i used to be able to get all sorts of stuff there. The reality is, however, that these independent shops all fall victim to the walmartization process and survival prospects are extremely bleak.

Anyone ever notice that you'll find a random Home Depot along I-45 in the middle of nowhere? The irradicate businesses left, right and center...

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Anyone ever notice that you'll find a random Home Depot along I-45 in the middle of nowhere?  The irradicate businesses left, right and center...

Yep, and that's why I avoid shopping at Wal-Mart and most other large national chain stores whenever possible.

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Anyone ever notice that you'll find a random Home Depot along I-45 in the middle of nowhere

UH, no. How about an example? Chances there are neighborhoods behind that Home Depot.

Anyway, you should just drive to Gulfgate. There is a Lowes and Home Depot.

Much easier than the Bellaire traffic IMHO, and it's still in the Loop for those who want to remain Posh.

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there is one outside of corsicana...and i'll grant you that there is likely a neighborhood behind it.

I do use the lowes/HD at Gulfgate...you're right it is easier to access from midtown than the HD at Bellaire.

However, aren't they both inside the loop...last time i checked, the Bellaire location was inside the loop...

What does POSH have to do with anything? hahaha - i'm not sure that I'd consider it "POSH" to go to any hardware store. The idea of using a smaller store has nothing to do with eliteness...or feeling above another...it's just a commentary on the fact that home depots are getting rid of ma and pa. Simple as that...

Posh never entered the story.

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However, aren't they both inside the loop...last time i checked, the Bellaire location was inside the loop...

Yes, but Gulfgate is still trying to overcome its old stigma. My neighbor always drove to Bellaire becuase "she does not like Gulfgate". Uh, OK.

The posh statment was a joke towards some who refuse to do anything "outside the Loop."

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I drive by the Sears store everyday, and wonder if we should try a letter campaign to get Sears HQ to renovate the exterior. I recall reading somewhere, that the building once had an elegant facade, but was covered up in the sixties . . . in keeping with the whole Modern thing. Anyone have pics of the original building? I figured we can go two ways, restore it, or go all-out contemporary. . . (another thought just poped in my head) third option - Mediterranean so that it ties in with Isabella Courts.

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One caveat though, the people there may look at you funny if you ask where drapes and miniblinds are located, but if you ask for stepdown moulding, they will ask you without looking it up if either 1 1\2" of 2 1\4" is allright, since they are out of 2 5/8" til next Tuesday when the shipment comes in. (not really, but you get the drift, these are real hardware stores)

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Remember...there used to be a hardware store on Elgin (between Fannin and Main, on the southside) which is now a carwash...it went out of business a couple years ago.  That was a great place - i used to be able to get all sorts of stuff there.  The reality is, however, that these independent shops all fall victim to the walmartization process and survival  prospects are extremely bleak.

Anyone ever notice that you'll find a random Home Depot along I-45 in the middle of nowhere?  The irradicate businesses left, right and center...

I never went there, but I heard they did really well.

There is clearly a need for a smaller format hardware store (think Breeds in Ausitn, or Berings).

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We had some great vintage pictures of Sears on the 'old' forum - if someone could post them again, it would be appreciated. It was, indeed, a very attractive deco/streamline building. Much of it is probably intact undrerneath the current metal cladding.

However, when you compare the old photos with the building as it now stands, it appears that some additions were made to the structure in addition to the more 'modern' facade. If the metal cladding was removed, there might be some very ugly scars to deal with.

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I've been playing around with various blog sites and have this ambition to create a blog that will serve as a good resource for midtown residents to learn more about the various happenings in the area.  Anyone out there want to play?

Tell me what you have in mind, and maybe we can host it here.

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Tell me what you have in mind, and maybe we can host it here.

This sounds like a great idea to me. There are a lot of people that I know who live in the Midtown area who are concerned about what they perceive as the lack of community. A community blog where people can post and read about other citizens' concerns I think would go a long way towards bringing the community together.

I think the blog should be a good resource about the different projects going up in the area, a resource where denizens of midtown can found out about different events and get togethers in the area, as well as different community building events (i.e. area cleanups, MMD meetings, and what not).

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The more i look at blogs...the more i realize that this site is essentially that - a blog. I like the idea of logging details regarding daily observations...and there is always some benefit from that. I'm sure, however, that it could be done here by just opening a thread however...

Maybe I'm just stuck on the cool factor of blogs!!!

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Well, I'm just going to go ahead and blog away...

If there's such a thing as a perfect day, it was today. The sky was impossibly clear and so blue it looked scarcely real. All the humidity had been squeezed out of the air, and the sunlight was focused, the shadows black and sharp.

What struck me as I rode through Midtown is that the most humble, shabbiest buildings were the most beautiful. There's a terracotta block building on an otherwise vacant lot near the McGowen station, and the sun brought out the subtle differences of color in each block. You'd think it was a mosaic. Even the blistered, faded corregated metal buildings acquired a new depth. Each ribbon of peeling paint cast a unique shadow, never to be duplicated.

And I wonder if Midtown will be as beautiful if - when - it's been cleared of blight. Maybe tomorrow it won't be a day like today, and these buildings will go back to being shabby eyesores. But today I saw a Midtown which, even if it existed for only one day, is the one I choose to remember.

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Let me be a little more informative about my purposes on this:

1. I'd like to develop a blog where a group of like-minded (i.e. live in the same area...or have an interest in the same area) individuals are able to log data and various observations relating to the midtown area.

2. The purpose would be to maintain a running commentary on the state of midtown.

3. The blog would ideally recognize critical attention from decision makers and influencers who can help affect positive change in the community.

Let's face it - this site is nothing but a 'blog'. However, the idea of developing a separate identity is strictly for the purpose of drawing the appropriate attention.

I love this site. I'd like to see it's power of idea truly represented in front of those 'powers'. Whether it be city hall or the managment district...or your local homeowners association...i'd like to see effective influence as a result of the dialog that we carry on daily.

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I suggest the the blogs themselves should be insolated and posted as "articles" and have a connected discussion group ATTATCHED to the article. That way a chain of events can be read readily without the constant "interruptions" by people in the peanut section. (i.e. me)


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Based on my (admittedly meager) coding abilities, I could put together a system where you, and a couple of other select Midtowners could log in to a web page, enter your thoughts, and they would be published in newest-first order with titles, topics, and summaries, etc...

Then people could make comments on specific entries, which would have to be approved or edited by one of the selected Midtowners or myself before being made public (to avoid spam, profanity, etc...)

If there were multiple Midtowners involved, each could have their own section, too.

Can you think of any other features you would like?

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